Chapter 18- Done

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Bethany woke up to the sound of her phone's alarm she set for herself. She quickly turned it off and looked over to see Derek still sound asleep... Shirtless. While she was only in her under garment and Derek's flannel Let's just leave it at they tired themselves out due to last nights... "Events"

"Derek!! Wake up, my flight leaves at 12." Bethany shook him

"Mhhh... Do you have to go?" Derek whined into the pillow, his eyes still closed.

"Yah I do."

"What day do you get back again?"

"15th. Now COME ON!" Bethany shook Derek once again.

"Ok, ok.. I'm up. I'll be counting down the days til your back." Derek kissed Bethany's head holding her.

"Mmmh... Next Wednesday. DON'T forget to pick me up."

"I won't!" Derek pecked Bethany on the lips and got out of her bed.

"I'm going to take a shower. Join me?" Derek wiggled his eyebrows.

"Go! Alone! I'm gonna make breakfast."


While Bethany was waiting for the waffle maker to heat up her phone went off

"Bethany? Hey it's Chloe!"

"Chloe! Hey..."

"Hey so I was wondering if you needed a place to stay while your in New York."

"No, Aeropostale booked me a room."

"Oh, ok. But how about lunch tomorrow? I want to catch up!"

"Uhh... Sure we can do that." Bethany looked over to see Derek walking out of the room. "Do you want to meet me at that Thai place by the Aero office building?"

"Yah sure! I'll see you then!"

"Bye Chloe..."

With that, Bethany hung up.

"Was that Chloe..?' Derek asked a little stunned.


"I'm coming with you."

"No, your not Derek! You have dance rehearsals! You can't just ditch Maria."

"She'll come too for rehearsal!" 

"Derek, you guys are in week 5 of competition. That's half way!! You can't just drop everything for me."

"But I can."

"I'm not letting you. Now eat your waffle and we gotta start loading the car."


"Bethany?" Derek asked holding her hand waiting for the intercome to call her flight.


"Promise me you'll be careful."

"D... I've been to New York before."

"I know, not just on the trip. With Chloe..."

"Derek, don't stress it. I'll-" She was cut off by the intercome.

"All passengers for Flight 2866 to New York, New York please board."

"That's my flight.." Bethany stood up pulling Derek in for a long hug.

"I'll miss you."

"It's only a week. We've delt with worse. Now remember there is still cable in New York. So if you don't kill it on Monday, I'm gonna kill you." Bethany threatened.

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