Chapter 7- It's Only 3 Weeks

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It was the last day in Nashville for Derek and Bethany, they both had flights that night... But Bethany was going back to LA and Derek was going to New York. The couple tried to be happy, but they were both aware that the time appart would affect the relationship in one way or another.

"Are you sure you can't go with me?" Derek pleaded during breakfast.

"Yes, We'll barely see eachother anyways. Plus I have a few meetings that I have to be in LA for." Bethany sympathetically smiled.

"Well make it work." Derek took Bethany's hand and kissed it.

"Yah, I know we will..."

"Ok, this is the last day together for 21 days. Let's make every moment last. Come on!"

Derek hopped out of his seat, still holding Bethany's hand took her out of the door.

"Where are we going!" Bethany laughed

"Just get in the car!"

"Won't Julianne need it?" 

"Nah, Katherine's picking her up later."

"Ok.. Where are we going?"

"It's a suprise..." Derek smirked and got in the car

The car ride was about 15 minutes long. When they got to the destination, Bethany was more confused as ever... They were at a dance studio...

"Are you getting early rehearsal and you want me to come..?" Bethany raised an eyebrow knowing it's something that Derek would do.

"Noo.... Come on!"

Derek took Bethany into the building, but they didn't go into a dance studio. They took a few flights of stairs onto the roof. On the roof was something that made Bethany's jaw drop. It was a rooftop picnic type thing. There was all of Beth's favorite foods, some movies, Lots of pillows and blankets. and a bunch of flameless candles all around.

"Derek.... This is... Perfect." 

"I knew you'd love it." Derek went around and wrapped his arms around her swagging her, " I told you we'd make every moment count. Now come on, your frozen yogurts gonna melt!"

They were in the middle of watching Nightmare Before Christmas when Bethany asked,

"Derek... How'd you do this?"

"Julianne got the frozen yogurt this morning, Matt and I set up the picnic last night after you went to bed. My mom's best friend owns this studio so she let me use the roof." Derek smile proudly.

"Your amazing."

"Your perfect."

"I love you..."

"I love you too.. And those dimples." Derek poked her dimples and leaned in for a kiss.

Bethany turned her face so he ended up kissing her cheek,

"If you wanna kiss me, your gonna have to catch me!" 

Bethany ran to the other side of the roof while Derek running behind her. Derek soon caught up to her and swug her around.


"Your gonna have to kiss me then."

"I can't kiss you from here!"

Derek put her down and leaned in. As their lips melted into eachothers the were frozen in that moment. Her arms went around his neck and his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer...

"AWE!" They heard..

THey look over to find none other than Julianne, Katherine, and Derek's mom at the doorway..

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