Chapter 3- Realize

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"This is your captain speaking, we will be landing shortly."

"Cheryl... Cheryl.. Wake up we're about to land." Derek shook Cheryl who was on his shoulder.

"Mmh... I like waking up next to you." She murmured into his shoulder.

The plane landed ten minutes later. When they got to the hotel Cheryl was in the shower and Derek was on the bed, he was waiting for her so he could go shower. So out of bordom, he turned on the TV.

"I'm Casey Lowland! I'm here today at The Groove here in LA. There's a concert here tonight! The show is free, however people are recommended to donate money. All funds made here tonight are going to Stand Up to Cancer. There are some amazing stars here tonight who have donated time in making this event a reality. Hosted by Dancing With The Stars Pro Witney Carson and Youtuber Kian Lawley. We've got Nick Jonas, Selena Gomez, Cody Simpson, and Mark Ballas who all have a full 3 song set! There's also a litle rumor buzzing around that Youtuber Bethany Mota will be closing the show with a performance of an original song! Speaking of Bethany I saw her ealier and she looked stunning! But when does she not. Suprised she isn't taken! That's right! Stethany was just... Well to quote Bethany, "A one time thing." But who do you think if her perfect match? A youtuber? An actor? I mean, her last relationship was with Dancing With The Stars pro Derek Hough, and he's already moved on. So tell us who you think she would be cute with and we'll hand off the news to her tonight by tweeting us using the hashtag #Bethsperfectman. But anyways, if your here in LA, get your butt down here and come join the fun! Show starts at 7, and ends at 9:30!"

 "Why is this always on!" Derek said to himself...

He grabbed his phone and went on twitter, searched up the hashtag #Bethsperfectman and started scrolling, there were things that broke his heart like

Beth would be soo darn cute with Steven Williams! I wish it would happen.. #Bethsperfectman

#Bethsperfectman is CONNOR DUH! CETHANY FOREVER 

I can't even lie here. I wish she dated Mark instead of Derek... Team Bark :( who knows maybe if Beth ever goes on Dancing with the Stars.. #Bethsperfectman

Derek cringgled at the thought of Bethany and Mark... Although there were things that broke him. There were things that made him wonder about his decision on him and Bethany's relationship.. Why? Because turns out A LOT of people loved MOTOUGH


I miss MOTOUGH! They brought out the best in eachother. #Bethsperfectman

Bethany is suppose to be with Derek!!!! #Bethsperfectman

"Babe! I'm done showering!" Cheryl said walking out of the bathroom with a sundress on. "I wanna go shopping so hurry up!" 

She kissed him real quick. Derek took a shower and got ready. He wore a red and black flannel... The last time he wore it was nearly 3 months ago, this was the flannel Bethany stole from him. The one she always wore. She had it at her house incase he stayed the night. But she wore it more than he did. Derek didn't mind, he always thought she looked freaking adorable in his clothes. Cheryl and Derek left the hotel and started to just walk around Hawaii. The pair went in and out of store, met a few fans, and grabbed lunch.

"Oh! I have to get a pair of sweatpants from Aeropostale. Come on!"

Cheryl dragged Derek into the store and told him to wait at the front. He couldn't help but stare at the Model that was showcased at the front of the store... It was Bethany, Bethany and her clothing line. He saw two teenage girls absolutly obsession over the clothes. He couldn't help but just.... Listen in.

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