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“Changmin do you really have to do it?”, I beg and cry a little.

“I have to. You’re not obeying me and I don’t like it”, he didn’t even stutter and continue pulling me through the hallway.

He enter the recording room to the University and turn everything on. The information mic was turn on as well and Changmin clear his throat before pulling me besides him and grasp my waist.

“Attention all students, this is Ji Changmin speaking. From now on, Han Sooyun of Section A, Junior will not be allowed to enter the campus again as she is suspended for bullying another student. Thank you”

He ended the report as murmurs and gossips start filling the whole campus. Han Sooyun was the girl who tripped me and it was just one time. I begged Changmin not to report it to his father because it was not even serious and the situation was like a year ago.

I don’t know why is he suddenly bringing up the situation and nobody ever heard the girl bullying anyone again after tripping me that one time.

And yes you heard it right. That Changmin is the son of our Principal who love and spoiled his son so much that he would lurk around and bully others instead. The Principal probably didn’t know or is turning a blind eye on it.

Later that evening, I heard from the other students that Han Sooyun ran home crying and my heart broke. I swear it was a year ago and I will never understand Ji Changmin and his way of living.

“Hey honey, lets go! I’m bored”

Just as I was thinking about him, I felt him snake his hand on my waist and rest his head on the crook of my neck. Chills went down my spine and I gulp my saliva nervously.

He stood me up from my seat in an instant and I yelp.

“C…Changmin!”, I scream but he started carrying me and ran out with me in his arms.

The class wasn’t over yet and I still had a few more classes left.

“What are you doing?”, I ask and held tightly in his neck afraid that he would drop me. He laugh at me brightly showing me that dimples again and I have never seen him so happy.

I didn’t say anything and let him do it as he please. I can walk by myself but if he insisted on carrying me, he can have a sore arms for all I care because I never cared anyways.

“Why are you bringing me here?”, I ask hesitating to enter the inside of his house. My position was funny as I held onto his door while he tried pulling me inside with him. I don’t really trust him to be inside the same roof as me and I plan to keep it that way.

“Y/N don’t be stubborn. Let go of the door”

I shook my head and he sigh. His house was very big and I can already tell how rich he is and slowly comes to realize on how he thinks he can have everything and anything he wanted. He is a spoilt child.

“You really make me do everything the hard way"

I yelp when he pick me up and put me in his shoulder and spank my butt. I wore a short shorts beneath my skirts everytime but that doesn’t stop me from turning red like a tomato as he close the door behind us.

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