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"Is there anything you need?", I ask Changmin before stepping out of his room when I saw him dozing off in his studying table.

I laugh quietly and take a note to buy him some beverage and vitamins. It wasn't long before I reach the nearest convenient store and fill my basket full of snacks. I hum along to the music playing on the background when a conversation interrupted me.

"Kevin? He did?"

Why are they talking about Kevin?

Don't get me wrong, Kevin is still my friend and I still do care about it if people are gossiping about him.

"Y/N!! NO WAY!!"

This time I heard my name. Why are they gossiping quietly and only shout out our names as if they are teasing me on purpose?

They hush each other and turn towards me as I see two female that supposedly went to my University. I quickly hid my face with my hoodie and pretend like I'm inspecting the foods on the shelves.

"I heard that Mira is trying to ask Changmin out"

What the fuck?

"Really? As if Changmin will like her back. He's been lovestruck with Y/N and everyone in our campus know that. What even gave her that courage ew!"

"I know right! Besides, Y/N and Changmin look like they are in an actual relationship though. Not gonna lie, they suit each other"

They giggle and went off to the counter while my mouth was left wide open. There are people who gossip good things about us too? Those two students quickly changed my perspectives of the students that always gossip about us.

But what the hell? Mira tried to do that? She and I haven't talked ever since Changmin told her off and I can't believe she still tried doing something like that.

"Really? As if Changmin will like her back..."

I smirk at the previous student's words. They're right! Why am I so worried anyways?

I pay for my snacks and went back home but something felt not right.

There is a huge car next to the entrance which wasn't there before I left. Tilting my head confusedly I walk closer, I then saw a pair of expensive shoes on the door and quietly open the door.

"Chang...", I tried calling out his name but then froze at what I'm seeing.

Our Principal sitting on one of the sofa with Changmin in front of him, on his knees. My eyes widen as I couldn't control my emotion. The snacks on my hands fell making them notice my existence.

"Wha...is that my best student I'm seeing? Y/N! What are you doing here?"

The Principal's furious eyes I saw second ago instantly change into a bright and warm one as he stood up, making Changmin to do the same.

"I...I'm...", I plead for Changmin's help with my eyes.

"She's...actually Dad..."

My eyes began shaking. I feel like Changmin is trying to tell everything, our relationship and how we've been living together but I breathe out in relief at his next sentence.

"...I asked her to help me with my studies since she is the top student".

"This guy! Such a pain in the ass"

The Principal snorted at him under his breath which I still heard and I frown.

"I hope he is not troubling you too much Miss Y/N. You should asked for a private tutor if you want, not making the other student do things like this", he shout at Changmin making him flinch and that's when I lost it.

"Principal Ji, it was my choice to tutor him and besides, he's not a pain in the ass, in fact I enjoyed teaching him a lot so you don't have to worry about it. Leave him to me"

I fake my fakest smile at him and see his nervous laugh and turn to Changmin who look at me apologetically.

Everything will be fine Changmin-ah, I'm here now.

Besieged - Ji ChangminWhere stories live. Discover now