I love you

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𝐽𝑢𝑙𝑦 𝟷𝟿𝟽𝟹, 𝐿𝑢𝑐𝑖𝑢𝑠 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑓𝑜𝑦𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣

It was summer, and tonight we have a party at the Black manor. When I thought about that, I was immediately awake, because I was going to see my beautiful girlfriend Narcissa Black. I stand up and started to get dressed. When I was ready, I went downstairs. My father was already up and was eating breakfast. My father was never nice to me, I even thought that he hates me. I sat down, and I wanted to eat, but I saw my father looking at me. ¨ Lucius, I want to speak with you. ¨ he said. When I heard his voice, I had immediately goosebumps.

He was talking further: ¨So, I heard from Cygnus that you are dating his daughter Narcissa, right?¨ ¨Yes, father.¨ I said. ¨Don't do stupid things Lucius, and make sure that Cygnus doesn't complain about you, because if he does, know that you have big problems.¨ he said. The only thing I could do was nod. We continued to eat, and he didn't say a word. When I was done, I went to my bedroom. I wanted to go to the Diagon Alley, because I wanted to buy a present for Narcissa.

When I was there, I saw my friends. When I had my present, we went to The Leaky Cauldron. It was nice to see them again. We talked and laughed. An hour later I said to my friends: ¨ Sorry guys, but I need to go.¨ ¨I have a party, so I see you later guys. ¨ And I apparated to home. When I was in my bedroom, Brenan the houself came in. ¨Master, you need to make yourself ready, because we are going to the Black manor.¨ I went to the bathroom and made sure I was ready. I was happy to see Narcissa again, because we hadn't seen each other in weeks.

When I was ready, I went downstairs, and I saw that my father was waiting for me. He looks very angry. ¨You stupid boy, now we are late! You can do nothing right, can you!¨ he screamed. I flinched, and before I could know, he hit me. It didn't hurt, but still. ¨Brenan, bring our coats, and make sure the house is clean when we are back!¨ he said. When we had our coats on, we left the house.

At the Black manor, the guest was already, there were many people I knew, but also people I didn't know. My father and I went to Druella and Cygnus Black and their daughters. ¨Abraxas, is nice to see you¨ ¨Yes, same to me.¨ I saw Narcissa, and Merlin's beard, she was gorgeous. I wanted to kiss her, but I couldn't because our parents are still next to us. So, I went to her, and kissed her hand. She smiled, and she opened her mouth to talk. But my father dragged me away. We went to another wizard. I knew the wizards; I saw them one time at our manor.

The party was boring, and I hadn't seen Narcissa yet, but I wanted to talk with her. Although I hated the party, I needed to smile, and talk with other wizards and witches, because I was a Malfoy. I was searching for Narcissa, but then I saw her sister, Bellatrix. I don't like her, but maybe she knew where Cissy is. So, I went to Bella.

¨Do you know where Cissy is?¨ I asked. First, she looked like I was a stupid infant who is annoying, and then she laughed. Merlin's beard I hate her so much, I thought. ¨I don't know why my sister is in love with you, I am kinda sad about her, but anyway. I thought she was outside.¨ I wasn't going to thank her, so I went outside. There were a lot of people outside. I was searching for Narcissa, but I didn't saw her.

There were a lot of people who wanted to talk with me, and it annoyed me because I wanted to see Narcissa. ¨Hello, Lucius, it is nice to see you. How are you, how is your father?¨ I turned around and I saw Rodolphus Lestrange. Normally I really like him, but today I wasn't in the mood for talking with Rodolphus. ¨Hi, yes, we are alright.¨ I wanted to go, but then I thought that maybe he had seen Narcissa. ¨Did you see Narcissa?¨ I asked. Just a second I thought maybe Bellatrix was lying, because she doesn't like me either. ¨yes, she is outside.¨ he said, and he left. And then I saw her, blonde hair, and with her deep-sea blue dress. She saw me too, and we went to each other. ¨Finally, you came to me!¨ she said.¨ I laughed and said: ¨I spent hours looking for you.¨

She grabbed me by my arms and lead me away from the people. When we were alone, she said: ¨I thought maybe we can be alone, I don't want that everyone is looking at us. She hugged me. I kissed her cheeks, then her mouth. ¨Did you missed me?¨ I asked. ¨Of course, I thought every night about you.¨ We kissed each other, and my fingers went to her collarbones. I stroke it with my fingers and kissed it. ¨I have a little present for you, Cissa.¨ I gave her the present, it was her favourite perfume. ¨Oh, Luce, you shouldn't have, thank u!¨ I kissed her on her forehead. ¨I have Firewhisky, do you want it?¨ she asked. ¨How can I say no to Firewhisky, Cissa.¨ We drank, kissed and talked. ¨Luce, I am sorry, but I need to go before my father finds out that I'm here with you drinking whisky.¨ ¨Too bad, but okay.¨ She kissed my lips, and when she was about to leave, I took her arm and whispered: ¨I love you, know that.¨ I touched her hair. Narcissa smiled, then left. I love her so much, I thought.  

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