Little dragon

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𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝟷𝟿𝟽𝟿, 𝑁𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑎 𝑀𝑎𝑙𝑓𝑜𝑦𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣

I'm six months pregnant now, and I can't wait to can hold my little baby in my arms. I think it would be a boy, call it maternal instinct, but I just knew. Lucius and I are calling our little boy Dragon, Draco. I was in love with the name Draco. After six years of trying, and a lot of dead babies, we had our little boy. I was still sick, in the mornings I needed to vomit, but it's worth it. I sit on my bed, and then Lucius came in. ¨How are you feeling today, Cissa?¨ ¨I am feeling fine, just a little bit tired.¨ I said. ¨Come, let's have breakfast. And then we can go for a walk if you want.¨ ¨I think that is a good idea.¨

When we were done with breakfast, we went for a walk. Because Lucius was busy with his job by the Ministry and for the Dark Lord, I was happy that he made time for me. ¨Cissy, I don't know if you going to like this, but Sev is coming to us, but I can't be there. I have to go to the Ministry.¨ " Why shouldn't I like that, Luce? I like him, he is our  friend.¨ ¨ I meant, now you're pregnant, maybe you wanted to rest.¨ ¨Oh, no, it's fine.¨ We walked further, but I felt a little bit tired, so I asked Lucius if we could go home. ¨Of course, but I need to go, do you need anything?¨ he asked. I said no.

When we were home, Lucius kissed my forehead and then left. I waited for Severus. I fell asleep, but then Dobby came in. ¨Mistress, Sir Snape is here.¨ Severus came in. My baby kicked. It was no new news for me, but it was harder than normal. ¨Did the baby just kicked?¨ asked Severus. ¨Yes, maybe you can feel it.¨ He put his hands over my stomach. ¨Yes, I can feel it, do Lucius knows it?¨ Severus smiled. ¨He knows that the baby is kicking, but he couldn't feel it yet.¨ I said. When he would come home, I would tell him immediately, I thought. It was nice to see Severus again, because I get bored being home alone. I was mad at Lucius because I was pregnant and he wasn't home, like he doesn't care about me and our baby. Now I thought about this, it made me angry.

The rest of the day went normally, it was eight o'clock, and Lucius still wasn't back. My baby was kicking again. ¨You're dad is very busy, you know, but I love him.¨ I said to my baby. Every time when I was talking to my baby, Bella rolled her eyes. She finds it ridiculous because my baby can't talk back. I ran my hands over my stomach and smiled. ¨ Hi, I am back, how are you?¨ asked Lucius. ¨You are the whole day gone, and the only thing you can say is: hi, I am back, how are you?!¨ I screamed. ¨Sorry Cissy, I..¨ ¨No, I don't want an excuse, I need you, but you are not there when I need you!!¨ And then I cried. Lucius came to me, and hugged me. He started to stroke me, his hands slid over my back and then went to my belly. ¨I am so sorry, Cissy, so sorry. I was selfish. But I forgot the two most important things, you and our little dragon.¨ He kissed me. ¨Please don't cry, I want you to be happy.¨

I broke our hug and looked him straight in his eyes. Merlin, he has such beautiful eyes.¨I know your busy, and I don't want to be selfish so I didn't say anything. But I can't resist it anymore. And our baby is kicking, do you want to feel it?¨ ¨Can I feel it?¨ And he lay a hand on my belly. The baby kicked and I could feel him. Lucius began to grin. ¨Is that our little dragon, that's so cute.¨ He got down on his knees and kissed my stomach. ¨Hello, little dragon, how are you? I am your father.¨ he said. We began to laugh. I started to yawn. ¨ Now, little dragon, let us sleep because your mother is tired. Sleep well.¨ and he kissed my stomach again. ¨Let's sleep, Cissa.¨ When we were in bed, I slept against him with my head against his chest.  

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