When we were young

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September 1979, Narcissa Malfoy's pov

If there was something Narcissa knew, it was that her whole life changed. It was not only the fact that she was twenty-four instead of a child or a teen, or the fact that she was a Malfoy. It wasn't just one thing that changed.

"Tonight we have a Death Eater meeting, the Lord wanted that you come too, Cissa." "Why me? Why does he need me?" Lucius shook his head and looked at me a bit angry: "Of course he doesn't need you. But you are in his circle, you don't have the Mark, but you are still one of his followers." He looked at me. I didn't know what to say. When I first joined it, I was excited. But the meetings were mostly pretty boring and I didn't like the Lord. Of course I wouldn't admit that or say it out loud. One time I said something to Bella about the Lord, and that was a huge mistake. She screamed at me and slapped my face. I was shocked back then, but now I think about it again, it wasn't that weird that she was angry. You couldn't say a bad word about the Lord, and Bella used to hit me since we were little, but she didn't do it anymore. I suppose that's why I was shocked.

At night I was sitting at the meeting. First, it was only about politics but then they spoke about the new mission. I looked at Lucius his face, he looked interested. I rolled with my eyes and sighed quietly. "Is something wrong, Narcissa?" said the Dark Lord.  Everyone was looking at me now. I didn't know what to say. "Am I boring you? Do you have something better to do? Is it too much for our princess?" Everyone laughed except Lucius, but I knew he was angry, angry to me and the Lord. I shook my head and looked down. "It is because she doesn't want to be her." That voice was from Bella. She did this on purpose. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I stood up and walked outside. "Narcissa!" Lucius screamed. No way that I would go back.

I was waiting for Lucius outside, but an hour later he was still in the meeting. Then I heard footsteps. "Lucius!" I turned around. But it wasn't Lucius it was Regulus. "Sorry, but I am not Lucius." He said smiling. I ran towards him and hugged him. "Is Lucius coming?" I asked. He raised his shoulders. "The meeting is not yet done." He didn't smile anymore. Now I looked better at him, he changed. He looked years older, tired. His brown eyes hadn't the twinkles he normally always had. "Are you alright, you look sad. Is everything alright Reggie?" "Oh, you know. I'm done with my mother. She is everywhere I am. She is on my nerves." "She is just worried about you. She doesn't want to lose you." "Yeah right, I can't stand her anymore. And now without Sirius, it is only worse." "Sirius left the house by himself. He didn't think about the family. I'm not gonna cry about him. He chooses it. Don't you understand it?" " I know, but he is my brother. Don't you miss Andie? I have so many memories of my brother." His face clouded. I looked at him. If he just looked sad, it was worse now. And did he have tears? I didn't say anything about it. I didn't want to make him shame. I hugged him.

"Is everything alright?" "Yes, I'm just tired." I didn't say anything about it anymore, so I changed the subject. "Do you remember the time when we went to our manor in France with the family?" "Yes, the five of us went to play by the lake. And that night we stayed up late." "Or when we didn't go to Hogwarts yet, and Bella did, she always sent candy to us, so we could share it." "I miss the time when we were children and we could still get along with each other." "Reggie, that was so long ago. We are grown up now and everything changed. Do you still want to hang out with your brother? With my blood traitor sister? They are not even family anymore. She is just a whore." "Don't call her like that. She was always nice to me." I frowned. This was ridiculous. I didn't want to talk about this anymore. "I'm expected, I'm with child!"  "Really? That's amazing! I am happy for you. But does Lucius knows it?" Damn it, I shouldn't say about it. "No, not yet. I discovered it new, and after the miscarriages I am scared. I am going to tell it to Lucius, but only to him for now. I want to wait some months. So, please don't tell anyone, not your mother or my mother." He nodded. "Where did you talk about, hm?"

Lucius stood behind me. "Nothing, it's not important." Lucius raised his brows but didn't ask further. "I need to go, maybe I see you later." And Regulus walked away. Maybe?  "Shall we also go?" I asked. We went to our house. That night I couldn't sleep. I had so many thoughts. I thought about my baby, hopefully, it would survive. I still didn't say anything about Lucius. I also thought about my past. How did we end like this? We were always so close with each other. And then there was Regulus. His face haunted my head the whole time. Lucius knew that I couldn't sleep because he pushed me against him and wrapped his arms around me.

A week later
It was a nice day. Lucius had a task today, so I went to the garden.
I was working on the flowers. I planted flowers and watered them. I was outside the whole day outside. When it was night, Lucius still hadn't come. Did something bad happen to him? At eight Lucius finally came. He looked very worried. The emotion on his face... "Lucius, what happened? I know that there is something. Are you hurt?" He took my face in his hands. "I'm sorry. So sorry." He looked sad now.

I didn't like this. What was happening? "What Lucius? What is it? You're scaring me." Suddenly he hugged me. "You need to hear this from me. I don't know how I have to tell this, but-" He got quiet. Did he cheat on me? Was that it? "Narcissa, it is Regulus."

I began to laugh. "What did he do now? Escaping his mother, haha. He is sometimes really silly." "He wás Narcissa, was."  Was? I didn't get it. "How do you mean, was?" "I'm sorry, Narcissa. Regulus died. No one knows exactly how, but they say because he betrayed the Lord."  "No! No, no, no! He is not dead. You're lying. He will never betray the Lord."  "Will I ever lie to you?" No, he would never. But it can't be, no! Was that the reason why he looked tired, sad? And then I realized. Regulus was dead. My Reggie wasn't there anymore. And then the tears started. As if someone had turned on a tap. Horrible sounds came from my mouth. I couldn't stop crying.

"No! He was just eighteen. He was my little cousin. I took care of him. I saw that he was sad, but I didn't do anything. Maybe I had to help him. No, please no." Lucius hugged me. "Ssst." He tried to calm me down. He kissed and wiped my tears away, and whispered calming words. He meant it sweetly, but I didn't care. It didn't change anything. Regulus was still dead.

I don't know for how long I cried. It could be a day or days. But I knew that I didn't eat for a while. Lucius brought food, but I didn't touch it. Lucius let me rest. He tried to feed me, but it didn't work. Days later I became sick. 

"Narcissa, I brought a healer. She is going to look at you." The healer came in, and Lucius went outside. "You have to eat, it isn't good for your little one." the healer said. I raised my head. "How did you know? You haven't even examined me yet."  "I don't need that." She checked me further. Then she looked at my baby. "How is it with the baby?" I asked. "I can't say anything about it because it is too young, but for now it seems alright." I sighed and lay back down. I had to be strong for my child.

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