Things can get ruined quickly

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I know this is not a Lucissa chapter, but I really love Andromeda and her love story, so I hope you guys like this one also. Enjoy!

To make it clear, this chapter takes place in 1977 and the age of the Tonks family in my story are: Nymphadora: 4 Andromeda and Ted are the same age: 25

It was a cold winter morning and you could feel the breath of the wind through the house. I didn't want to wake up, knowing that I had to leave my warm bed. I let out a deep sigh and threw my sheets off  me. The place next to me was empty, so Ted had to be downstairs. I rise, and left the room, to go to Nymphadora's room. The room was empty, so I assumed Ted woke her up and brought her with him. I walked with my nightgown and bare feet to the house, which was not a smart idea. I felt goosebumps all over my body. I walked to the living room, where Nymphadora and Ted were sitting on the bench. "Hi, good morning." I smiled. They both turned their heads to me. "Hai mum!" Nymphadora screamed with her four years child enthusiasm and she turned her face again to the thing that people called television.

I walked to them and sat on Ted's lap. He wrapped his arms around me. "You're cold, darling. Why are you walking in this thin nightgown? You should dress." He said while kissing me. I kissed him back and smiled. He took a blanket that I had put for Dora on the sofa last night and wrapped it around me. ''Did you sleep well? I assume you did because you were snorting like a little pig.'' He was smirking and I looked him in his eyes angrily. ''Snorting like a pig! Excuse you Edward Tonks, but that is not how you talk to me. You cant woo a woman like that!'' He was trying to keep a solemn face, which he failed. While he was hugging me now, he said: ''I'm only jesting. Even as a pig you'll be cute.'' I pat him on his shoulder. ''How charming you are. But I may be cute as a pig when I sleep, but you look awful when you sleep.'' He let out a groan and laughed. Before I knew it, he held onto me tighter moving his lips to the side of my neck onto my soft point, starting to suck it gently. This time I was the one who let out a groan.

''Can you guys stop doing that, I am trying to watch TV,'' Dora said without turning her face from that. Ted released me, throwing his arms off me. "You can sit and watch television. I'm going to make breakfast." He said. "But Ted, I don't like the television. I don't understand it. And I love to cook for you." He pushed me away from him since I was still sitting on his lap. He walked to the kitchen, totally ignoring me. Nymphadora was still watching the muggle-box, she was addicted to it. But she had nothing better to do, she was only four and I didn't want her to play outside on her own. The war was still going on, and it was getting only worse. It made me nervous because the last thing that my sister screamed to me, was that she wanted to kill me and my family.

''Ahhhh!'' Nymphadora screamed next to me, making me jump. I grabbed Ted's wand, which was lying on the table since my wand was on my nightstand. I looked around. I expected a couple of Death Eaters or something other dangerous. No one was in the room, only Dora who's watching the television. "What happened, sweet Merlin, you scared me." "Sorry mum, it was a funny part. Haha, you are an easily scared baby." She chuckled. I rolled with my eyes. "That was not funny sweetheart." Nevertheless, she was still laughing. "Did I miss the joke?" Ted came walking into the living room. "No, there is nothing," I said, didn't want to talk about it anymore. He nodded. "Okay then, but breakfast is ready, Dora close the television."

When we were done with eating, Ted went to work, and I made everything clean. "Dora, make yourself ready, you're going to your grandma." "Yes!!" She screamed back. Because I work in St. Mungo and Ted is also working, Dora had to be by her grandma, who was babysitting her as she had no other family. "I'm almost done, make sure you go to the lavatory." Instead of listening to me, she never listen to me, she came to me. "Mum, you're always using funny words, why are you saying lava-lavator, uhm.." "Lavatory? Because it is a proper word. And now, hop. I'm almost done." I said. She run to the lavatory, but of course, she tripped over her own feet. ''Are you hurt?'' I asked. I wanted to walk to her, but she was already standing on her feet. ''No, mum!''

Working as a healer was exhausting, but I loved to work. When I was younger I always wanted to do this job, but I never thought I would actually do it one day. I didn't work full hours, because I had to take care of Dora too and wanted to be there for her whenever she needs me. It was five o'clock when Josephine Macmillan, my colleague, came to me. "If I was you, I would go home."  I looked at her, "Whatever for?" "They spotted Death Eaters. There is mischief coming. I'm going to my family also. It isn't wise to walk alone on the streets as a woman." "Okay I was almost done, but if I go earlier to home it isn't that big problem. I see you later, bye." "Bye!" I was now left alone, decided that I was done for today. I still had to pick up Dora. When this kind of thing happened, and it happened a lot these days, I liked it that she was with me and Ted.

I walked down in the streets. There wasn't anything happen yet, but the people were stressing and running through the street. It was not a good idea to walk alone in the streets, and I was more scared to walk with Dora later because you can not appereate with a little child. I began to run now, going with the flow. The fact that everyone was running. My legs were running faster automatically, it didn't feel like it was my own legs. When I was almost by Ted's parent's house I appereated there.

The landscape changed, where I just stood in a busy alley, I was now in the muggle world. A whole different place. It was quiet, cars were standing in front of each house. The houses were small but cute, and some of them had a cat for the window. Smoke came above the chimneys. Even the weather and ambiance were different here. It was here less cold than the wizarding world and it was almost warming. Of course, it was winter here too, but it was cozier. This was a place where you could live warmly with your family. I walked through the street. The only thing you could hear was my heels which were thicking on the floor tiles and some children who were playing outside with the snow. Number 96B, the house where I had to be.

Ted's mother had to see me because she opened the door before I knocked on the door. "Come in, Dora is watching TV." Was I surprised? Not really. I walked in but didn't hang my coat and walked immediately into the living room. "Dora, come do your coat on. We're leaving." Ted's mother came in. " Why are you leaving this fast? Why don't you stay and sit with me?" I shake my head. "We have to leave immediately, or we catch the mischief." " What mischief? That wizard world is only bad these days, my god. But you can stay here and wait until it is over. You cant go there in the chaos with a little girl. Why would you take a risk?"

I thought a second about what she said; maybe I had to stay? On the other side, Ted's mother didn't like me, she often made it clear to me. And I couldn't get well with her. She always made me feel bad about myself. She would rather have a daughter-in-law who she could understand and who didn't have family problems. To make it even worse, why would she want a daughter-in-law whose family wanted to kill her son? I would know who I rather had. No, you couldn't call our relationship magnific.

"No, come, Dora, we gotta go." "Ugh, mum!" I helped her with putting on her coat. "I can do it myself, I'm already four!" ''Okay, zip up your coat zipper then. Bye, I see you later.'' I said to Ted's mother. Before I closed the door, she said: ''Please, do carefully. And do the greets from me to Ted.'' I didn't answer her. I pushed Dora a little bit, so she would walk. It wasn't that far from here to our house, we had consciously chosen to be near the muggle world. "Mum, I'm cold. Can we stop to drink hot cocoa? We always do that!" "Not today, and what did I say? Take your cap and gloves with you, it is going to be cold today. But you never listen to me." I saw her shiver, so I took off my gloves and scarf and put on her. "Here, it may be a little bit too big for you, but now you're getting a little warmer," I said while smiling and kissing her. She giggled and my heart melted, I was warm enough with that. We avoid the busy, possible riot places.

A clever idea, you would say, but everyone had the same idea, therefore we were in the crowd. And at one moment, everyone starts to run trough each other. People were pushing each other, and my worst nightmare came true: people in masks and dark coats pushed, uttered curses and caused chaos.
While I was watching this, I had left Dora's hand. I looked around me, she wasn't anywhere. "Dora! Dora where are you!" Tears welled up in my eyes. I began to run, scream and cry. This couldn't happen.

This oneshot is in two chapters, I am trying to post that as soon as possible, but I have exams now, so I don't know.

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