When things changed

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School year 1970, Narcissa's pov

Hogwarts went down. It was rubbish, and they even had muggle lessons now. I had only two years left, but my sister and boyfriend were almost done. Lucky for me I had friends. Not that we were close or something. I was walking with Evan Rosier through the corridors to DADA. "Do you have someone who's sitting next to you? I didn't make my homework, and you make always yours." "What did you made to think that I have no one? And even better, why did you ever think that I would give it to you? It's your responsibility." "Oh, because you're my cousin, and cousins help each other." He says smirking. "Go to hell." I walked faster to get rid of him. "That's exactly where I walk right now!" He screamed from behind me.

It was night and I was sitting in the common room. I was making my homework in concentration, so I didn't hear that someone was standing behind me. "Come on, Cissa! You're not making homework, it's Friday night." Lucius was standing behind me, but he grabbed the chair and sit down. "Yes, I make homework, but you're also alone. Where are your friends?" " I agree with you, but I must say that I am not making homework on Friday night. But my stupid friends are chasing some stupid first years and mudbloods. As a head boy and a prefect I can't do that." I lent over him and kissed him on his cheeks. "What do you want to do? We can have some fun." His hand was wandering around my body. "Not here, and I am almost done. You can help me with that?" He sighed. "When was the last time you saw your sister?" He asked. I turned to him. "Why?" He shrugged. "Because she is talking with people she shouldn't." "Andie is seventeen, so she can talk with anyone she wants. And if you're talking about that mudblood boy, yes, I know that. Is that where you want to talk about? That's more boring than school." He took by my hands and lift me. "You can always make homework, but come with me. Let's go to our place."

Moments later we were both standing in the astronomy tower. Lucius sit down on the floor but I refused to sit on the dirty floor, so I took place on his lap. He put his arms around me. "What do you want to do after you finished school?" He asked. "I have to ask that to you, you're almost finished." "I'm going to do what my father does, I suppose. Not that I have choices. I also have to stop playing Quidditch." I looked at him. I knew he liked Quidditch. "Why?" "My father thinks it is rubbish. But I asked you a question." He kissed my forehead, and stroke my hair. "Marry you of course." He laughed. "Maybe we could do it earlier after you graduated," I said. "But then you're sixteen, and I want you to graduate." "Okay, but after that?" "We would talk about it later. But we should go now, it's getting cold." I gave him my hand so I can pull him up.

We walked to the common room. Andromeda was standing in the hallway with that boy and another girl. I didn't know her. She was definitely not a Slytherin, but she also doesn't seem like she was from a muggle family.
"Andie, what are you doing here. And who are they?" I asked. "It's not your business, but if you want to know: Ted here, you already know him, and this is Davina. She is the cousin of Greengrass. She is in Ravenclaw." So she was pure-blood. Or half. I didn't want to be nice to them, and with Lucius next to me not at all. "You shouldn't hang out with this kind of people." "What kind of people?" She dared me. "Mudblooods, disgusting mudbloods who are not worthy to live." I said. Ted walked to me, but not with anger. Of course not, he was a Hufflepuff. "I am not.." "Don't you dare to come closer to her." Lucius interrupted him and came closer to me. " Cissy, Don't call him that. That's an awful word. You'd never use that word." Andie said. "I am going to tell mother. You will get punished." "Can I speak to you privately." It wasn't a question, and before I could say no, Andromeda dragged me away from everyone.

"What?!" I said bitchy. "I ask myself the same. What is the matter with you? You'd never act like this. It's since you're dating him." "And you'd never hang with that kind of people. It is like, as if as if you're in love with that mudblood!" Her face changed. "Impossible! It will just fly over. There are better men than him." "Cissy, you changed." "No! You changed!" I screamed. Before I knew what I was doing, my hand hit her face. I regret it immediately. I deserve to be hit but she didn't. She looked at me with a shocked face, and I couldn't look into her eyes. "I.." But I couldn't talk further. What did I have to say? And then she walked away. I watched her disappear. She was right, I changed. We changed.

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