Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"My mommy loves me this much!" 


The group runs up the stairs to find a maid is crouched in the corner of the hallway. "Hey, are you okay?" Sam asks her, being the first one to reach her to help her up. "I think so." She says. "What happened?" Dean asks. "I saw a ghost." She says as others are starting to gather. "A ghost? Could you tell us what it looked like?" Barnes says in a very deep fake voice, trying his best to impersonate Dean.

"Why don't you leave this to the grownups pal." Dean says to him. "A woman. She was in an old fashioned dress. Really old. Like a school marm, or something?" The woman dressed like a maid says.

"Did she say something to you?" Someone in the crowd asks. "Ok." The maid begins to grin. "Gather close everybody, for a terrifying tale of terror. I saw, a ghost!" She says loud enough for everyone to hear.

Skye shakes her head, walking away with Kylie as Sam and Dean follow the girls. "None other than the ghost of Leticia gore herself! I was on the third floor getting ice for a guest..." Her voice fading behind the group.

"Oooo, the LARPing started." Becky squeals as goes over to the group. "The...what is that again?" Dean asks. "Live Action Role Playing? It's a game. The convention puts it on." She says as she hands Dean a piece of paper.

He sighs as he opens it. "Dad's Journal. Dear Skye, Sam and Dean, this hotel is haunted. You must hunt down the ghost. Interview witnesses, discover clues, and find the bones. First team to do so wins a $50 gift card to Sizzler. Love Dad." Dean reads.

"You guys are sooo gonna win." She giggles before biting her lip making lusty eyes at Dean making Skye very angry. "Let's go." Skye snaps as she grabs Dean's hand, leading the group away from Becky.

"Someone's a little jealous." Dean smirks at Skye, who sends him a glare. "Shut up." She blushes.

They head over to the con manager. "Well yes Agents Lennon and McCartney, as manager of this fine establishment I can assure you that it is indeed haunted. This building was once an orphanage, run by mean old Leticia Gore. 100 days ago this very night, Miss Gore went insane, and butchered four little boys before killing himself. Now folks say that the souls of those poor little boys are trapped here and the evil spirit of Miss Gore punishes them to this very day." He says.

"Well that's just about all the community theatre I can take." Dean scoffs. "Yeah, this cannot get any weirder." Skye says. "Dad said...he said I may have to kill you." Demian fake growling as he tries his best to be Dean. "Kill me? What the hell does that mean?" Barnes fake choking up as Sam. "He could be wrong though Sammy." Jessica says trying her best to be like Skye as they walk by the real Dean, Skye, Sam and Kylie.

"I need a drink." Kylie says.



I throw down a shot as Kylie sits down beside me, staring morosely at her beer. "How you doing?" I ask the woman that is pretending to be a ghost, clicking away on her phone. "Busy." She says. "Well aren't you cheery for a dead chick." Kylie scoffs as she slams back her beer.

""For the last time I'm not making this up, ok? She's upstairs, a real live dead ghost." A guest yells. "Excuse us." I say as Kylie and I get up and go over to him and the manager. "I'm sure it was just one of the ghost actors." I say to him. "Who beat the hell out of me and then vanished?" He asks. "You saw something?" Kylie asks him.

"This isn't the part of the game bitch. Look, I'm getting out of here and you should do the same." He scoffs and leaves. "Alex, wait. Hey, come back!" A guy yells as he runs after him. "What do you think?" Kylie asks. "I don't think that guy's a good enough an actor to be acting." I say.

"Why yes angels Jagger and Richards. As manager of this fine establishment I can assure you it is indeed haunted." The manager chuckles. "Excuse me?" Dean asks as him and Sma come down the stairs, heading towards Kylie and I.

"Look, I don't have time to play Star Wars guys. Go ask the guy in the ascot." He says. "Actually we ah...really want to talk to you." I say, handing him a 50 dollar bill. "Ok. You guys are really into this." He rolls his eyes, sighing.

"You have no idea." Kylie says. "What do you wanna know?" He asks. "All this stuff they're saying. This place being haunted. Leticia Gore. Any truth to it?" I ask. "We generally don't like to publicise this to...normal people...but yeah. 1909 this place was called Gore Orphanage. Miss. Gore, killed four boys with a butcher's knife, then offered herself." He whispers.

"And is tonight really her anniversary?" Dean asks. "Yep, guess your convention folks want authenticity." He says. "There been any sightings?" Sam asks. "Yep, over the years. A few maids have quit saying they heard the boys or saw them. A janitor even saw Miss. Gore once." He says.

"Where did Miss. Gore carve up the kids?" Kylie asks. "Look, I don't want you slomping all over the joint. A lot of this place is off limits to nerds." He says as I hand him another 50 dollar bil. "The attic." He says. 



We crawl in through a small space, with our flashlights. Skye's EMF starts buzzing. "Dean." She says warning me. "Great. We got as real ghost, and we got a bunch of people pretending to be us and monsters all poking at it." I scoff.

"No way this ends well." Kylie says. "Yeah well serves them right." Sam says. "I'm just saying." I say as we continue looking around as we find a way out of the small crawl space to the attic "My mommy loves me." A little boys voice is heard in the corner and I look over to see him crouching with his hands holding his head.

"I said mommy loves me." He repeats. "I'm sure she does." Skye says to him. "My mommy loves me this much!" He yells as he moves his hands, revealing he has been partially scalped before disappearing. 

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