Chapter 58

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"Busy night?" Skye asks Paul as she sits down at the bar. "I'm telling you, since the end started, it's been like one long last call. That round's on me." He smiles as he pours Dean, Skye, and Sam each a drink, as the two boys sit down on either side of Skye.

"Thanks." Dean smiles as he picks up his glass and takes a sip as Paul leaves to go help other customers. "So, did you get a hold of Cas?" Sam asks, Skye. "Yeah, I left him a message. I think. So uh, what's your guys theory? Why all of the demon hits?" Skye asks as she takes a sip of her drink.

"I don't know. Kill the girl? The prophet, maybe." Dean suggests but Sam shakes his head as he sets his drink down. "What?" Dean asks him. "Just these angels are sending these people to do their dirty work." He shrugs.

"Yeah. And?" Skye asks, looking at him. "And they could get ripped to shreds." He states. "We're all gonna die, Sam. In like a month...maybe two. I mean it. This is the end of the world, but these people aren't freaking out. In fact, they're running to the exit in an orderly fashion. I don't know that...that's such a bad thing?" Dean questions Sam.

"Who says they're all gonna die? Whatever happened to us saving them?" Sam asks but before I could step into the conversation the church bells toll and people start to exit the bar. "Something I said?" Dean asks, frowning.

"Paul. What's going on?" I ask him. "Leah's had another vision." He says. "Wanna go to church?" Sam asks us. "You know us, downright pious." Dean says as we get up from our seats and follow everyone to the church.

We walk down the aisle and find a empty spot in the third pew and take a seat along with everyone else. "Five miles. There are demons gathered. I...don't know how many, but a lot. Thank you, Leah. So, who's going to join me?" The Pastor says. "Wouldn't miss it." I hear Rob holler. "Someone's got to cover Rob's ass." Paul holler's as he chuckles.

"We're in, Padre." Dean says as he stands up. "Thank you. I'd like to offer a prayer. Our father in heaven, help us to fight in your name. We ask that you protect us from all servants of evil. Guide our hands in defeating them, and deliver us home, safely. Thank you, Amen." He prays.

"Yeah, not so much." I grumble under my breath.


Dylan and the Pastor both preform an Enochian exorcism. "I guess that's what it's like, huh?" Sam says. "What?" I ask. "Having backup." He nods to Dylan and the Pastor. "Dean, Skye, Sam." Dylan calls us over.

"Hey." I say as we walk over to him. "Hey. So, um, that cool that I get a ride back with you guys?" He asks. "Hey, you've saved my ass twice already. One more time, you can drive. Get a beer?" I giggle, earning a glare from Dean but I ignore him.

"Oh, believe me, I will not." He blushes as he heads over to the Impala. "Really Skye?" Dean scoffs. "Dean get over yourself, I was just being friendly." I roll my eyes.

A scream is heard from the Impala and we run over. "Dylan!" I yell as he is being attacked by a demon and is killed. "No!" Sam yells. 

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