Chapter 9: Finding Riley

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Peter's POV

I looked around at all my lost boys, as they ate around the large bonfire I was missing one. Which was odd since they never go anywhere without my permission.

"Felix." I called over my shoulder.

"Yes boss?" He asked appearing behind me.

"Whose missing?" I asked still trying to figure it out myself.

"Oscar....Andrew said he has been gone all day." Felix said

I had an strange feeling. I teleported up and into my tree house. I walked into the living room and all the lights were off.

"Riley!" I called

No answer

She must be asleep. I climbed the stairs and walked into the bedroom. Hoping she would be curled up and sound asleep. The bed was still made and looked to be untouched.

"Riley!" I called again turning and running back down the stairs.

I teleported back to the ground. And walked over to Andrew, his eyes shot up at me.

"Where is she?" I snarled pointing at him. 

"I don't know..." He stammered out.

"Where is she?" I said again through gritted teeth.

"She went that way...I don't know where she was going." He stuttered and honesty was in his voice. I sucked in a deep breathe before turning to my boys.

"Riley is will all leave now and search for her. If you find her bring her back here immediately. If I find out that one of you hurt her. You will be punished. Got it?" They all looked at me understanding that I meant business. "Let's go!" I said and they ran to get their weapons. Before taking off into the woods.

I went down the path Andrew told me he saw her go. I immediately noticed the broken and cut branches and brush. She had her knife and was cutting her way out of here. I made a mental note to start teaching her magic. I waved my hand over the brush and walked along the path. As I walked I entered into the darkest part of the forest. She couldn't see in there. It was the perfect opportunity for her to be hurt or lost. I looked to the ground. A bee hive was turned over beside a rock. Only the rock was kicked or shoved by someone. Riley must have stumbled over it and moved it some. I bent down to examine the hive. It was placed in the path beside the rock. She must have been stung. I stood up and began jogging. My head snapped to the right of me, at the sound of a stubborn female voice saying 'never.' I knew it was her, for one she is the only girl here, and that was her smart sarcastic mouth that I loved. I took off running in the direction of the voice. I got there and saw what looked to be Riley's knife stuck in her left thigh. Oscar hovered close to her face. And was twisting the blade around. He yanked it out and did the same thing on both sides of her already large wound. I raised my hand and slung him across the dirt patch slamming him against a huge tree. I ran to Riley's side while my magic held Oscar against the tree's trunk. I gently lifted her chin up with my finger tips.

"Riley stay with me. Stay with me." I pleaded looking deep into her eyes. She nodded her head at me. I looked over my shoulder at Oscar. I pulled him away from the tree and slammed him against it once more. This time rendering him unconscious.
I looked back at Riley, then to the knife. I gently grabbed the knife and pulled it out.

"Ah!" She cried out an a tear slid down her face.

"I'm so sorry." I pleaded hoping she would forgive me. I closed the knife up and stuck it in my pocket.

I ripped my shirt off making a tourniquet out of it. I tied it tightly around her huge wound. I broke her bounds and caught her before she could hit the ground. I cradled her up in my arms bridle style an took off running back to camp. I looked down at her body. She was trying to stay awake but was failing. She was losing a lot of blood. Tears ran down my face as I ran as fast as I could.

"Stay with me Riley. I'm gonna save you. You're gonna be alright." I sobbed.


I finally reached the camp and saw Felix's eyes on me. "Oscar is a mile that way. Near the twin Effie trees, bring him here and cage him. I'll deal with him later. For now your in charge." I said before teleporting into the bedroom of mine and Riley's tree house.

I pulled the covers back with my powers and laid Riley's sleeping body down on the bed. I tore her pants making them into shorts so I could see the wound. I wiped away the blood with a cloth. The whole was huge. I held my hand over the wound and held pressure on it. My hand glowed green. Which then traveled up, down and inside her left leg. I removed my hand and her wound was healed. Leaving a long nasty scar in its place.

"Riley wake up...please." I said grabbing her one hand and holding it between both of mine.

"Please can't leave me here like this. Not now...not ever!
Please wake up." I begged.

I placed my ear against her chest listening for a heartbeat. It was there but it was weak and faint. I sat up and looked at her. The color was flushed from her face. She looked lifeless and dead on the bed. I leaned down placing my forehead on top of her's. Tears ran down my face dripping on to her cheeks. I rubbed her hand with my thumb pad. I felt so useless right now. I had a ton of magic but had nothing to wake her up. What if I lost her forever? What if she never trusted me again? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I'd go mad...when I see Oscar he is gonna pay! But until Riley wakes up, I am not leaving her side. Not for anything. Felix is in charge until she is awake and okay. Nothing and I mean nothing can drag me away from her right now. She is my number one. My top priority. She has to be okay, she just has to be.

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