Chapter 85: Rescue

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Ryker's POV

I caught up to the rest of the group and wiggled my way to the front. Pan stared at me funny.

"Where you been?" He asked

I shook my head. "Had something to take care of." He eyed me up and down before opening his mouth to speak to us all.

"You all heard what Excalibur's deal was." Peter spoke looking at all over our faces. "And you all know that we are saving both of them. You guys are the best you are all strong and brave. I believe in you all. So now for the plan."


Riley's POV

I paced back en forth in the bedroom. Simon sat on the foot of my bed watching me intently.

"Okay stop you're making me dizzy." She said standing in front of me and placing her hands on my shoulders. I left go of my thumb nail that I was biting on and stared at her. "Peter will come rescue us. Don't worry."

I could see the fear in her eyes. I sighed deeply. "I wish he would hurry up this place gives me the creeps." I smiled trying to lighten the mood.

"Let's get some sleep." Simon smiled and we walked over to my bed. Just like back home we climbed into the large bed our backs to each other as we slept. I guess it was like old times except I knew I wasn't being rescued from my father.


I heard whoops outside, I stood up and walked over to the doors that led to the balcony. I opened them up and walked out onto it. My mouth gaped as I saw the lost boys charging in the castle. I ran in and pushed Simon off the bed.

"What the fuck!" She yelled

"Shhhh. Come on we gotta sneak out of here. Their here let's go." I said grabbing her hand and running out of the room.

We quickly and quietly ran down the halls. I could hear the whoosh of arrows and the sound of clashing metal. We were close. We ran around a corner and I saw Peter holding off Excalibur and Ryker holding off Felix. Simon ran past me to Ryker. She pulled out her knife and plunged it into the back of Felix's neck. Blood squirted everywhere as he gagged on his own blood soon dying.

"Peter!" I yelled.

His eyes went wide and I ran towards him. He ran towards me but I collapsed to the ground.

Peter's POV

Riley collapsed to the ground blood falling from her legs.

"NOO!" I screamed tears running down my face as I ran towards her. She was passing out from the looks of it. I heard and evil chuckle and then a fire ring appeared around her body.

"Thought you were gonna save them both? Not gonna happen!" Excalibur growled I could no longer see him. Or anyone for that matter only Riley. I ran faster and faster running through the fire. I picked her up into a marriage cradle and ran back through the fire. I ran last the lost boys who ran behind me as we fled from the castle. What was wrong with my poor Riley? We reached the woods and I sat on the ground cradling her in my arms. Tears dripping off of my checks and onto her's.

"Peter." Simon said softly. I lifted my head and looked at her as I rocked my love in my arms. "She didn't tell you did she?" I was confused so I shook my head no. Simon sighed and Ryker wrapped his arm around her. She reached out and touched my shoulder a tear slid down her face. "She was pregnant you were gonna be a father." She looked down to the ground and I looked down at Riley's face. She had wonder she was acting so strange. I blame myself for not noticing. I bent down and kissed her head.

I looked back up at Simon. "I need your help with something."

She pointed to herself. "Me? With what?"

"There is to many of us now I needed Riley to help me open the portal. But she's unconscious." I said

"But I'm not magical I have  no powers." She stated

I looked down at Riley, I kissed her forehead and whispered. "I'm sorry." Before I ripped her heart out.

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