Chapter 2: It's Mine

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The water crashed on to my face once more, but this time waking me up. I opened my eyes as the tide rolled back out to the ocean. I slowly lifted my head I was weak...God damn shadow. Dropping me to my death I pushed myself up to a sitting position. I cupped the water in my hands and rinsed my face and arms to get rid of the sticky sand. Slowly standing to my feet I walked over to a rock and stared into the ocean. Wondering where I was exactly why did I take that stupid shadows hand? I guess it couldn't be any worse than being at home with my father. I jolted and whipped my head around at the sound of a trig snapping, I scanned the dense woods and brush for where the sound originated from but saw nothing, one thing is for sure...I'm not alone.

Peter's POV

"Where is she now?" I yelled my fists clenched with anger as I stared at my shadow.

"On the beach somewhere." Shadow said hovering in front of me. 

I sighed deeply before walking out and saying. "I'm not finished with you."

I teleported out of my treehouse and walked over to the forest. I waved my hand in front of the trees and bushes reveling the dirt path I walked down the path towards the beach. I wonder if she was brave enough to venture very far.

I reached the beach and saw a girl sitting on a rock she didn't notice my presence. Her brown hair fluttered in the wind. The first lost girl...hmm lost girl kind of has a ring to it. I stepped forward and a twig cracked under my foot.

"Whose there?" The girl jumped she still couldn't see me. "I said whose there?" She said pulling her knife out. I smiled this one has fire to her...I like fire, dangerous and unpredictable.

I stepped forward into her line of sight. "Who are you?" She said backing farther away from me on the rock her knife was now pointed at me. I kept my arms raised trying to see less threatening but from her perspective a man just walked out from the dark woods on a seemingly deserted island. 

"I'm sorry did I forget to introduce myself. I'm Peter...Peter Pan." I smiled at the girl. She was quite beautiful, I tried to keep my natural sarcastic tone to a minimum but it wasn't working. 

She tensed up. "No no no this can't be happening I got to be going crazy. You can't tell me I'm on-"

"Never Land?" I smiled walking closer to her. She backed up a little more, still ready to stab me. "Welcome to Never Land Riley."

"H-H-How do you know my name?" She stuttered in shock. 

"I know everything...I know a lot about you love." I smiled. I walked closer to her and she backed away from me her foot teetering on the edge of the rock. I reached my hand out for her. She stared at it afraid. "Please...take my hand and let me help you."

She gave me a look that said I was crazy. "The last time I took someone's hand I ended up being dragged here, and let go to hit the hard ground. So you're crazy if you think I'm gonna take your hand." I titled my head slightly as she spoke she had a point she didn't have a very good interduction to Neverland no thanks to shadow.

"Please." I said and she crossed her arms in front of her body and raised her eyebrow. "God your a fight cat. Fine be that way but good luck out here on your own." I said turning and walking away.

"Wait!" She called and I turned around to face her once more. "Fine." She put her knife away and I walked back over to her and stretched out my hand for her to take. She looked at me wearily before slowly taking my hand. I looked down and saw she didn't have any shoes and her skinny jeans were ripped. I looked to the forest knowing she couldn't walk in there barefoot. "Here." I turned my back to her bent down a little. "Get on."

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