Chapter 56: TinkerBell

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Riley's POV

I wake up dazed and confused. Where the hell was I now? I am able to sit myself up. I looked around the small room. All that was in it was a small shelf, a window and a bed. It was like a tree house that a kid would play in, not live. How did I get here? I heard the clanking of heels coming up the ladder rails. I scoot myself against the wall and look around for anything to be used as a knife. I sigh when I come up short. I look over at the person almost reaches the top. Two dainty hands pull the small just as tiny...women figure. Now who the hell is this bitch? God damn the women on this island are stronger than the men. What the hell. I shook my head. Won't they ever learn they are messing with the wrong girl?

"Ah your awake." The lady says walking over to me. I raise my eyebrow at her. "Cocky now are we. Hmm just like your mother."

You got to be fucking kidding me? God dammit Tinkerbell or Skankerbell as I know want to call her. "You look like you have seen a ghost." She says evilly.

"I only wish." I said and she gasps.

"You do speak. Your mother never shut up. I certainly hope you haven't inherited her traits." She gave me a sickly smile.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright...Tinkerbell why the hell did you bring me here? Where am I? Wait a minute what use and I to you?" I asked I was full of questions that I was determined to get answer for.

She made a fist with her fingers. "Well my dear. You are no use to me." I opened my mouth but she cut me off. "Let me finish." I rolled my eyes. "You see Peter and I have had a well love hate relationship. I love him and he hates me. Until the day you arrived he was warming up to me and then you destroyed it. So you see I brought you here to not save you. But to kill you myself. I want to feel the life slipping out of you by my bare hands." She snarled in my face.

Peter's POV

I looked at Hook and his group as they stood before me, weapons drawn. Ryker held Simon close to him so they wouldn't take her again.

"What do you want Pan?" Emma growled. "Give us back our son."

"Where is she? Where is Riley?" I asked keeping my cool.

"She's gone. Some how someone took her." Regina said

Hook looked to the ground. "You know who did...don't you?" I asked catching his attention.

He sighed and looked at me and his group. "Tinkerbell."

"Tinkerbell?" Emma said I forgot all of this fairy tale stuff being real is all new to her.

"And you know where she lives." I smiled.

"Indeed I do." Hook said

"But We aren't gonna lead you there." Regina said

"Then let's sweeten the deal. You help me find Riley. Meaning you lead me there, and you help me get her out. No harm comes to me,my friends or my lost boys and most importantly her. You also will leave the island and never return. Which also includes leaving Riley and Simon alone." I paused. "And if you do all that and everything goes well...I will give you Henry."

They gasped. God people it's not a court room drama.

"He's lying." Regina growled.

Emma took a step forward looking deep into my eyes. "No...he's not."

I smiled at her. "Look at the savior...finally starting to see me for who I really am." I looked over at Hook receiving the death glare from him.

"You sure Emma." David said grabbing her bicep.

She nodded. "I'll do it for my son."

I smiled. "Wise choice."


"There it is mate." Hook said as he pointed up to the small tree house.

I looked at everyone. "Boys circle the perimeter. Nobody gets in or out. Simon stick with Ryker. And Ryker be careful and protect her."

He nodded. "With my life." He grabbed her hand and they were gone.

"The rest of you... Snow, David and Emma you three stay down here. Regina and Hook come with me." I said they nodded at me.

I turned around and quietly climbed the ladder, Hook and Regina following behind me. I pushed the door in and stood inside.

Riley's POV

"You're just as weak as your pathetic mother. It was all me not her!" Tinkerbell screamed. God dammit that bitch was loud. It was like a dog whistle that never stopped. "I should have killed her before you were born. So nothing stood in my way. And now nothing will." She yelled I felt an agonizing pain in my chest. I gasped for air and collapsed to the floor. My vision was clouding. I looked to see a bright red beating heart in Tinkerbell's hand. She gave it a slight squeeze. "How's that feel." She growled as I cried out in pain. She started squeezing it harder and harder trying to turn it to dust and kill me. The door over the ladder hole flew open and three people stood inside. My eyes fluttered closed.

Peter's POV

"NO!" I screamed tackling Tinkerbell to the ground. The heart rolled out of her hand. I lifted her up against the wall by the throat. Before throwing her at Regina and Hook. She rolled in front of their feet.

"I got her." Regina said putting a spell on her knocking her bitch ass out. She also bounded her tightly so she couldn't get loose. I looked at them and they disappeared back to the ground with Tink.

I walked over to Riley as she laid almost dead on the floor. Her hands tied behind her back cutting off the blood flow. I broke the ropes and walked over and picked up her heart. I knelt back down in front of her and roles her so she was laying on her back. I knew this would hurt her but she would be okay. I laid the heart on her chest and pushed down forcefully. Pushing her heart back inside her body. Her body began to convulse frantically. I could barely watch her as she fought against it. Then she fell still. Her chest began to rise and fall once more...she was alive. I bent down and kissed her lips. Tears sliding down my face and landing on her cheeks.

Riley's POV

I opened my eyes at the touch of Peter's lips. His tears dripped off of his cheeks and onto mine. Tears slid down from the corners of my eyes as I saw him before me. He had found me...just like I knew he would. He pulled back from the kiss still not knowing I was awake. His eyes were still closed and his lips still close to mine.

"About time you got here. I almost died." I whispered. My eyes were now fully opened as he stared at me in shock.

He shook his head and smiled. "I'm sorry it took so long."

"It's okay you're here now." I smiled and kissed him again.

He helped me to stand before he bent down so I could climb on his back. He teleported us to the ground where everyone stared at us wide eyed. Wait a second is that Emma and her clan? What the hell did I miss now?

Did you guys think it was gonna be Tinkerbell? Please tell me what you think about this chapter and the two before it. Also tell me how I'm doing. I love reading the comments and messages I get from you guys! Thank you so much! VOTE COMMENT SHARE! 😊

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