Chapter 87: Heart Felt

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Simon's POV

"Put the damn dress on Cody!" I yelled

"No!" He yelled back God damn why was he so freakin stubborn. "I'm not a girl I'm not wearing that!"

"Oh yes you are even if I have to knock your little ass out and put it on you." I shoved the dress towards him. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

He looked at me scared before running away. "Pan! Help me!"

That little shit. I thought before taking off after him. "Get back here and put the dress on like the girl you are."

Peter's POV

I walked out of Ryker's tree house when I heard screaming. I looked in the direction of it to see Cody running towards me panicking.

"What's wrong?" I asked grabbing his shoulders.

He tries to slow his breathe but fails so he points behind him. I look up to see Simon running. Clip board in one hand and a...dress in the other.

"What in the bloody hell is going on?" I asked and Cody stands behind me.

"Come here you little punk." Simon says trying to get to him.

"What is going on?" I ask again since they both didn't answer my question the first time.

"She wants me to wear that dress." Cody says

"You're the only one small enough to fit it. Now come here." Simon sad reaching for him again.

"Pan do something." Cody whimpers

I shake my head and snap my fingers.

"Hey!" Cody yells. He walks out from behind me in the dress.

"Thank you Peter." Simon smiles and skips away.

"I had to or she was gonna force it on to you. Just do what she says and your life will be easier." I smiled. He rolled his eyes and walked off. I looked around at the wedding decorations they were absolutely stunning. I looked up at my tree house where Riley should be getting ready. My wife to be.

Simon's POV

I had walked around and checked everything off my list. Everything was in place and running smoothly. I walked past the old oak tree when I heard a little whimper. I backed up and peered around the tree to find Cody.

"What's wrong bud. I'm surprised you're still wearing the dress." I smiled. He wiped his tears away. "Hey what's wrong?"

He lifted his head and looked at me. "I miss my mom."

"But aren't the lost boys only lost cause they feel unloved. Why would you miss her?" I asked hoping not to sound to rude.

"She passed away. She was all I had left. Before she died I knew I was loved I knew I was wanted. But after." He stopped and started crying again.

I walked over and sat beside him wrapping my arms around his body and making him lean on me. He cuddled up against me giving me a warm fuzzy feeling. "Shhh it's okay. You don't have to feel unloved. We all love you here. If we didn't like you we wouldn't do anything with you. If I didn't like you I wouldn't pick on you."

He lifted his head to look at me. "Thank you Simon. You know I think of you like a sister. Or like my mom. She would have loved you."

I felt so bad for the little boy in my arms. "Don't cry I promise you that you won't loose anymore people. I'm not going anywhere. And if you want I can be your unofficial big sister."

A tear rolled down his cheek as he smiled. "I would love that."


I walked up the steps to Riley's house. She was in the bathroom. I knocked on the door.

"What's up?" She asked

"I need a small black suit." I said

"This work?" She asked as a suit popped into my hand.

"Yes thank you." I said before running off to go find Cody.

I found him trying t walk around in the heels that matched the dress. I mentally face palmed myself. I walked over to him chuckling.

"Having trouble?" I asked holding the outfit behind me.

"Just a tad. How do you girls do this?" He asked

"It's a secret." I smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"Here let's change you into this." I held up a small black suit.

His eyes boggled. "Thank you so much!" He grabbed the suit and ran off to get changed.

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