Chapter 63: Trick

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Peter's POV

THUD! I looked up at the ceiling. What the hell was that?

"God dammit." I head Riley groan. I chuckled, she must have rolled out of bed...again. I heard the stairs creak a little as she made her way down them. The door open and she looked over at me.

"Good morning angel." I smiled turning my head to look at her. She groaned and walked over and sat beside me on the couch. I wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled in closer.

"I hate hangovers." She groaned "Can't you do that thing where you make it go away?"

I sighed and waved my hand over her taking away her raging headache. "Better?"

"Oh yeah. Have I ever told you that you are the best boyfriend." She smiled

I kissed her taking her by surprise. "Hungry dear?"

"Do you even have to ask?" She smiled.


"Don't run off tonight or make any other plans." I said

She raised her one eyebrow. "Why?"

"I have something special planned for us." I smiled

"Okay but I think I'm gonna teach Simon a new trick." She smiled back

"What trick?" I asked hoping she wouldn't teach her something to dangerous.

"Haven't decided yet. An electric spell isn't to hard. So maybe I'll teach her that." She said biting into her strawberry pop-tart.

I nodded. "Alright sounds good just be careful." I kissed her head and threw our trash away.

"So what time do you want me back for our "special" plans? By the way what are we doing?" She asked

"Not saying it's a surprise." I said an she groaned. "Be back here around six okay." I smiled

She rolled her eyes and sighed out. "Fine."

"Alright you better go and wake up lazy ass." I smiled

"Alrighty." She smiled an ran up the steps to get dressed.

Riley's POV

I ran outside after tying my black high converse. My shorts hugged my thighs snugly and my shirt fell loose around my waist yet it flattered my body. I pushed my hair behind my ears as I walked across the dirt and towards Simon's house. I walked in her house half expecting to see Ryker and her in bed. But he laid on the couch his arm hanging off the side. I chuckled to myself and walked into her room.

"Get up!" I yelled. Simon was laying on the floor passed out. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Huh what wait how do you not have a fucking hangover!" She yelled before grabbing her head.

"Peter fixed" I waved my hand over her head and took the hangover away.

"Thank you so much." She smiled. "What are we doing today?"

"Well you're gonna learn a new trick and I have to leave about 5:30 to go get ready. Peter and I have a special date tonight." I smiled

"What's the trick?" She asked

"Electricity." I smiled

She rubbed her hands together evilly. "Let's get started."

I grabbed her hand and flew up to the sky.


"Concentrate and you can do it. Stop looking at the birds and focus." I yelled

"Fineeeee." She dragged out.

"Close your eyes and imagine a spark coming out of your finger tip." I said she did as I said an a spark, sparked from her pointer finger. "Good now imagine it into a ball in the palm of your hand." She nodded an squeezed her eyes tighter. The ball formed in her hand.

"Holy shit! It's worked!" She yelled

I applauded. "Good job now you can shock the lost boys. Not to much just a little so they yip and grab their butts while taking off running."

Simon laughed. "I'm gonna have to much fun with this."

"Shit I gotta go I'm gonna be late! Let's go!" I said grabbing her hand and flying back down to camp.

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