Chapter 24: Friend

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Riley's POV

It's been awhile since I tried committing suicide. I'm happy Peter saved me. I don't know if I could have seen him go threw the pain. I would have missed him so much. I've advanced amazingly in my magic. I'm getting as good as Peter. Especially in such a little amount of time.

"Oh Peter!" I called

"Yes?" He called from the living room. "Riley?"

"BOO!" I said grabbing his very ticklish sides.

"Stop doing that!" He laughed

"What turning invisible?" I asked

"Yes." He smiled

"Your jealous cause you can't do it." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You can't do it for very long darling." He said back and I rolled my eyes.

"Details details not the point. Point is that I can do it and you can't." I teased. He shook his head at me.

"Pan!" A voice hollered from outside.

We both looked at each other and ran outside and on to the balcony.

"What's going on?" Pan said as he teleported us to the ground.

"We found a new one." Sid said

"Bring him in." He said

I heard struggling and then the lost boys carried a girl into camp, who was kicking her legs around.

"I said put me down! When I get free I'm gonna fuck both of you up. Don't make me holler rape!" The girl said

"A girl?" Peter said

"Put me down God damn it!" She said again. Wait that wasn't?

They held the girl tightly as they stood her in front of Peter. She flipped her head back moving her hair from her face. Simon? What the hell was she doing here?

"Simon?" I said standing out from behind Peter.

"Riley?" She said back

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I snuck in your room last night to see if you were okay and you weren't there. I found a note on the floor that said 'Say you believe.' I said it and bam I'm brought here by a psychotic shadow and dropped on my ass on the beach." She said "Now why the hell are you here? And who the hell are these punks who won't let me go?"

I giggled at my best friend and looked to Peter who had his eye brow raised at me. As if to say 'You know this crazy person?' I nodded my head and he shook his head. Where does he think she learned her crazy ways? Yup from the one and only me. That was before mom passed away.

"Release her." Peter said and I ran to Simon.

"Welcome to Never Land Simon. This is Peter my boyfriend. And these are the Lost Boys." I said pointing to Peter than to to all the lost boys that had surrounded us.

She whispered in my ear. "Your the only girl here on an island filled with boys?" I giggled and nodded my head. "Have you been raped?" I busted out laughing and shook my head no. "Good because these guys are hot. And I just wanted to make sure non of them were wack jobs."

"What like you?" I teased

"Hey I learned from you." She said poking my shoulder.

"That's true...but anyway you'll like it here. That is if you wanna stay and Peter will let you. Oh which by the way." I said grabbing Peter's hand in mine. "Peter this is Simon, Simon this is Peter...Peter Pan."

"Peter Pan?" She said raising her eyebrow just like I do.

"The one and only." He smirked at her wrapping his arm around me.

"Well nice to meet you I'm Amber Marsh. But everyone back home calls me Simon. Why I don't know. Just a nickname that stuck." Simon said.

"Gareth show Simon her tree house." Peter said. "I think she will wanna get cleaned up."

"Yes boss." Gareth said and looked to Simon. "Miss." He said gesturing for her to go first down the path. She did as he 'asked' her but turned to look at me and give me a thumbs up. I face palmed myself and shook my head before waving good bye to her.

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