WeChat D&Y (AU) : The Shortest Month

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D : wei 月

Y : yes silly.

D : seen my post?

Y : everyone saw it, so you think you smart huh?

D: hey— what do you mean by that?

Y : you think people won't figure it out?

D : figure it what ...

Y : don't play dumb

D : I didn't-

Y : so you are dumb!

D : can you be more specific yue, my head hurt talking to you

Y : who asked you to call me.

D : when are you going to be nice to me like other girls, yue?

Y : then why you don't talking to other girls then Wang HeDi ?

D : because I don't want to.

Y : where did you get the idea that I want to talk to you huh ?

D : playing hard to get, are we? Haha.

I know you, but I don't mind, I like it.

I like chasing you. I am Tom cat and you are the Jerry Mouse.

Y : I am not that small.

D : but you are short, I- I mean shorter than me .

Y : yeah, keep telling me that, it won't change the fact that you li-

D : I what ? Dare say it yue ...huh?

Y : you lie.

D : ... eh?

Y : you said you like straight-forward girl, who said exactly if they like you, rather than beating around the bush.

D : did I say that? when ..

Y : d'oh, in every interviews you had, if they're asking you about your ideal girl.

D : wow, you watched every my interviews yue, you paid attention, it means you are interested in me, at least that's something. A progress ...

Y : it's not a progress. I always a straightforward girl. I say what I think and what I feel.

D : then why don't you say so.

Y : say what?

D : say that you like me.

Y : it's not that simple.

D : well, at least it's not wrong, you admit it haha.

Y : why we are like this D, always going around in circle.

D : because you never keeps still yue, I feel like hitting the moving target.

But I am Daoming Si, I say I following you even to Mars, it means I don't mind taking the longer route to the moon. As long I know the destination is clear from other inhabitants.

Y : you talking rubbish again Di, haha!

D : I know we both rubbish, that's why we deserved each other's.

Y : I lost for words.

D : I lost without you.

Y : eekk —- Didi since when you lost your mind?

D : since February is the shortest month?

Y : jeez Didi, are we playing the rhyming game now? Don't insult February, is my birthday     month !

D: actually I like February, I like short stuffs, it's cute. Short legs,.. yeah , it's direct to the point! 😈

Y : Omg DiDiiiiiiiii ....!!!

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