WeChat D&Y : 😭The YinYang Master Kagura (AU)

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D : Congrats my Shen 🥰 le

Y : thanks bud.

D : 😢bud??

Y : aren't you?

D : yes that too and more ...

Y :  oh — anything else you need to say D?

D : ...yue, you upset?

Y : no.

D : ... yue, I am so sorry.

Y : what for?

D : yue please...

Y : ....

D : you know my hands are tied 😞

Y : well yeah, i thought I understand, but no it doesn't make it any easier.

D : i feel the same pain. It suck! You don't know how many times I tried and about to,.. but I must think about the possibility of consequences.

Not long ago your post, ...your honest unassuming words got twisted.

I really don't want... if I posted, only take one irresponsible fan, then word would get twisted and you know how's thing could escalated quickly on the net. Before you know it, your success as Kagura would possibly get tainted by one stupid comment. ..

Y : but, you don't know that..

D : true, I don't know, we don't know what could or would happen. I just try to preventing from any chance could possibly happen.  I remembered, one of so called my fans, said  that why I always promoted your projects, am, CYLS, but you did not promote en2. I got hurt. I did. Not because you did not promote it, but because people judged you, and  they didn't know the real reason.

So —my trying not to attract any attention, is my effort to not give any ammunition to attack you. My kind of way to support you.

I know you can handle those harsh comment wisely, but I can't yue.

My reaction could be jeopardised both of our careers.

I'd rather be known as the bad guy, people can hated me as they might. Idc.

Enough for me to see your first big screen movie making this huge success.

One of 7 movies chosen to be premiered on the most important day in our country. CNY. Remembered those night during MG days filming, we talked about our dreams and goals in this industry. Those nights when we were struggling as rookies.

Now you are definitely famous, my yue yue. Your role as Shen Le is one the most memorable character in the movie. Children definitely will want to be Kagura. You don't know how happy and proud I am for you.

Your hard work paid off. I am sure you will get a lots interesting offers after this. You deserved it Shen Laoshi.

I am still nothing compare to you.

Y : Wow D. That's so deep 🥺

D : oh yue, in another circumstance, i would tease you by saying that.

But today, I have no energy. I couldn't sleep well last few nights.

Y : D, I have recorded some...

D : I know, I heard that.... your beautiful voice. So soothing.

I better let you have a rest now. Sweet dreams, my Shen, my Kagura.

Y : thanks for your congrats and wishes D !

D : I really wish I could say, ANYTHING FOR YUE .

But until I can keep my promise, I can only say  ' I will always try my best for you '. Please remember that ❤️


Y : Thanks 🙏 your best buddy, XiZe from me.

Y : and D, you are not nothing. You're something and you are going to be someone BIG ❤️

D : 🥺😭

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