WeChat D&Y : Truly madly deeply ❤️ (AU)

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D : you know I miss you,

Y : I know.

D : was that the best answer you can came up too?

Y : ...

Y : what's you expect me to say?

D : at least ditto

Y : sometimes things best left unsaid

D : if we're always face to face, yes maybe but,

Y : but?

D : but we are always miles away!

I crave hearing those words every night.

Y : only night?

D : see, you are too quick in wit reply, yet too thick!

Y : hey!

D : it wouldn't hurt to say you miss me too.

Y : I know

D : you did it again being too guarded.

Y : if I say I miss you too day and night, still won't fix anything right?

We can't just comes and go to meet anytime we like.

D : this is the hardest part of growing up — growing pains!

Y : you done well so far!

D : conceal my feelings in public? Yeah right. It much easier when I don't need to say much. My fans get used to my quietness. I trained them.

Y : are you not afraid they will forget you?

D : naah! Brothers stick together through thick and thin.

Out of sight but not out of mind. We understood each other's.

Y : your relationship like old marriage couple —growing old together.

D : something like that I hope. Having say that will you stay with me even I have no teeth anymore Yue?

Y : literally or figuratively?

D : for you — both!

Y : aww that's tricky!

D : not a trick question Laoshi...

In fact, I was expecting you'll answer without thinking, like if you asked me the same question. I would not hesitate, my answer will always be..

Y : NO?

D : ☹️

Y : but I'm scared D!

D : do you think I'm not?

Y :  huh, what's you scared of? You literally has everything going on for you, your looks, your career, it is going the right way. You will taking off soon! I'm not your match.

D : says a person, her first movie just took the Netflix viewers globally by storm!

Y : it's not my movie, I just a supporting role.

D : yet ShenLe stole the limelight!

Y : people hated me.

D : no they didn't. People around the world praised you! Even if some minority people in China dislikes you, either way they surely taking notice of you now. As an actors we cannot pleased everyone, but you are there! You are exist in the industry!

Y : small fish in the big pond?

D : at least you are already a fish, a beautiful colourful fish in big ocean.

and I am still a pup..

Y : with huge potential becoming a shark! Bigger player.

D : anything can still happen..

Y : Anything possible can happen, if you play your card right D.

D : it seems easy for you to say, everything you touch is becoming gold.

Y : no need to exaggerate 🙄

D : it's true though. Admit it!

While me anything I touch ...

Y : becoming Weibo HS , cool stuff.

 as you've said there's no such of bad publicity ☺️

Just careful when you touch another human huh!

D : jealous much? 😉

Y : any reason why I should be?

D : NOPE. My heart is stone solid I am truly madly deeply.

It's you that fickle, I always worried sick!

Y : correction, I am not fickle. I'm just careful. It's women privilege.

Who knows we both just passing fancy because we worked together for so long.

D : Now we know. We both been working with different people lots, could you still saying it's just a passing fancy?

[..their chats can be going on and on like this for hours, I don't wanna bored you to death]

D : back to the future question, will you still stand by me when I have no more teeth?

Y : a toothless shark? Hmmm

D : yes. Lost his charms.

Y : would he still able to cook yummy porridge?

D : 🤔

Y : D, when you old, do you think I would still be young and cute? Moron🙄

As long as you still can make tasty food for me, so I can't see why not ! 😌

D : how hard is it to answer  ' YES ' my lovely??? 

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