WeChat D&Y : Self-draw (AU)

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D : Babe, answer your phone please.

D : yue yue , answer the phone!

D : if you not answer, I ..

Y : YOU WHAT?! 😠


D : finally.. (sighed)

Y : I knew why you calling me a thousand time!  I have none of it. 

I am a happy independent single woman, I can say what I want, I can do what I want.

 No one telling me what to do 🤯

D : Yue, that's exactly why I need to talk speak to you.

Y : what is exactly? 😑

D : that you really need to sleep badly! You are not yourself. Too much angst.

I worried sick when I saw your drawing about yourself.

You are already the most clumsy girl I know 🥺

Now added with lacking of sleep, you just like an accident waiting to happens Yue..

How if you trips over or slip on something on the street, coz you're too sleepy.

You fret me, Yue 😤

Y : you, — you're not angry D? really? 🤔

D : well, am I upset ? yes ofc I am. I can't be there to look after you all the time.

You must take care of yourself when me or Ayi Wang not around 😥

How can I concentrate? ( sighed )

And you don't answer my 1000 calls ( sighed again)

Y : I thought you're going scold me about my drawing,... 😔

D : why would I? I am huge fan of your drawing. Your witty sketches., your unique talent.

 Those are my happy pills! 

But all I wanna say perhaps, try to get more sleep, that's it.

Y : look who's talking 🙄 it takes two to chat, you know 😬

D : well, yeah, except that😅I mean, when we're not chatting, you must sleeping okay...

Y : also D, the last research said there's correlation between moon phases and human sleeping patterns. So I blame it on the moon 😅

D : oh, I don't need research for that 🙄

I'm the living proof! I can swear that my Moon really is capable to disturb my beauty sleep at all time😉

Y : sorry D, I'm not in the mood rn.

D : ugh—must be the time of the month again 😬

Moon not just affecting my sleep, but also capable of ruin my mood!


D : I hope you feel better now after a nap.

Just to let you know, I get what you meant about me upset about your self-drawing... the fact is  I don't. I actually find it quite funny and amusing, and perfectly normal seeing your trousers down while sit on the toilet😆

Y : seriously D ? 😌

D : But if in the bedroom Yue, ... that's another story!  completely a whole new ballgame!😈

Y : is that a challenge ??🐯 

D : 😳 WHAT !... oh no Yue, I beg you please don't accept it 😤

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