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•An Anakin Skywalker x gn reader blurb.

•Warnings: Implied smut, angsty, fluffy. The works. Also this came from my tumblr so it's short.

•A/N: Please read the author's note at the very end.



The once hooded man who calls himself Vader turns to you.

He raises an eyebrow, the long, thin scar along it moves, intrigued at your tone.

"For someone locked up, I wouldn't use that kind of tone, if I were you," he sneers, making his way towards you.

The dark lord stepped over to you, coming into the light, his features revealed to you finally. It was him. That man... Anakin Skywalker. That man you had fallen in love with several years ago. His features still remained the same, except his eyes... They burned a bright, evil orange. It felt like they would burn through your skin if he would look at you any longer.

"I can't believe it, it's you," you breathed, eyebrows furrowing. How could he do this? How could he do something so evil, and vile? And change himself into this... Monster?

He looks away from you, eyes downcast to the floor. "It's me."

"How could you do this?! I knew something bad happened to you but... This?! " every inch of your skin felt like it was on fire. Your legs burned with anticipation, wanting to scramble out of these shackles and reach out to him to give him a piece of your mind. You loved him, and now, he seemed like he was past the point of love, or past the point of forgiveness.

"You knew my offer," he raises his head, "I offered you a better chance, a better life. Away from everything, away from where we could rule the galaxy together. And what do you do?" He approaches you with fast anger, boots clomping against the metal floor until he's inches away in front of you. He huffs, hot breath burns across your nose. "You betray me."

You raise your head and look directly into his searing eyes. "I did not betray you, you betrayed me with all of this... Ruling the galaxy nonsense. I can't even begin to believe that you're still Anakin. To think I loved you--"

"To think?" Vader steps back, crossing his arms. "I think about you every single day. Not a moment has gone by when I haven't thought about you. I've searched this galaxy far and wide to find you, and yet, when you're finally here... It seems I haven't found you at all."

You look up at Vader, seeing a dark, lost man on the exterior, but on the inside, you know there's still that little boy you fell in love with all of those years ago. Through those eyes of molten lava, you can't help but feel sorrow and sadness, and loss. There was a wall he was putting up, you could feel it. Somehow you needed it to come crashing down.

Slowly, Vader takes one hand out from his crossed arms and tentatively brings it to your face, where a gloved thumb runs across your cheek oh so carefully.

Oh, how you wanted to lean in and to accept everything about him. Oh, how you wanted to feel him, to know him again... If only.

"Anakin I..."

"I still love you, (Y/N). "

Force. Those sad eyes wandered your face, lingering on your lips, waiting for you to say something. You wanted nothing more than to lean in and feel those perfect lips against yours, to feel them moving across your skin in intricate patterns... That's all you could ever want.

Maybe you'd let him.

You look into his eyes.

"Kiss me."

And with a soft smile, he leans in and kisses you, warm, soft, plush lips move against yours in a needy pattern, where you find your eyelids fluttering to a close.

Finally. He was home.


Okay. I've come to a decision, as of January 31st, 2021.

After these next few fics:

1.) Worthy pt. 1 (A Darth Vader angst, possibly a pt. 2 w/ a smut)

2.) Period Sex imagine

3.) Wish You Were Here (based on the Pink Floyd song)

I will no longer be updating this imagine book, simply because I want all of my focus to remain on Arrogance and Impurity.

I will update this book with a few blurbs from my tumblr, like this blurb here, just because I have ppl sliding into my inbox all the time there and I write blurbs constantly, so I'll be posting them here as well.

But other than that, this book will not be updated until I finish Arrogance & Impurity.

So, thank you to all of those who have been so patient with Arrogance & Impurity, I love y'all so much. Thank you for reading this book and those two.

I'll see you when I see you.

With love,

Julia. ❤

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