Heat Waves

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•An Anakin Skywalker smut

•Warnings: rough sex, mild choking, dirty talk over the hologram, Anakin being a teasing bitch.

•A/N: um I didn't like this & made me question my ability to write but everyone on Tumblr said it was good so I guess im sharing it lol.


It was hot.

Schorching, burning, hot.

Coruscant was hardly ever like this, especially with all of the electric turbines running throughout the city to keep it cool, but for some reason it was so much hotter than any other day during the summer.

There were some rumors going around: some called it climate change while others assumed that a few of the turbines had shut down, causing a chain of turbines to shut down as well, possibly shutting down the air conditioner throughout the main parts of Coruscant.

But no matter what the cause was, it was incredibly hot.

And Anakin wasn't having it.

You were gone, nonetheless, his best friend was gone, and he was getting the works.

It wasn't fair that you were on some tropical planet on some cool mission, while Anakin was stuck here doing Obi-Wan and the Council's bidding.

Train the younglings Anakin! Practice sparring Anakin! Practice meditating Anakin!

He rolled his eyes at the commands the Jedi gave him but did it. Despite it being scorching hot, he was at least somewhat obedient.

He had just finished sparring with a padawan learner and promised to call you via holoprojector after he had finished.

He made his way back to his room, drinking ice-cold water out of a canister, the top half of his robes were thrown over his shoulder, not bothering to put the sweaty robes back on after his sparring session, especially since the top half of his body was sweaty anyway.

He got some strange stares from a few of the Jedi in the Temple, but he shrugged it off, knowing he wasn't alone in the heat, especially since he'd seen master Kit-Fisto with the top half of his robes off.

He punched in the key for his room, letting the metallic door slide open and stepped inside; waving his hand to turn on an electric fan he had built after realizing it wouldn't get any cooler soon.

The fan whirred to life, immediately refreshing the room. He tossed his sweaty robes to a corner of his room, too hot to care about them at the moment. All he knew was that he needed to call you.

He pulled out the holoprojector from his pocket and tossed it on to his desk, plopping down on to the chair in front of it before pressing the needed buttons to call you.

He sighed, laying his head down on to his gloved hand while he waited for you to pick up.

And just as you did, he face immediately brightened up as soon as the image of your face from your hologram appeared.

"Force, am I glad to see you," Anakin mumbles, running his gloved hand through his hair before leaning back into his chair.

"Hey!" You quip, excited to see your friend but quickly furrow your eyebrows as you see Anakin sitting there shirtless, hair wetter than usual, and tone more monotonous. You take notice of his appearance, and raise an eyebrow. "You look hot."

He chuckles, crossing his arms. "Thanks. Is it the fact that I have no shirt? Or do I always look hot?" He smirks, teasing you as he always did.

You roll your eyes. "Don't worry, you always look hot, Anakin," you tease back, a playful edge in your tone. "But seriously, why are you so... Sweaty?"

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