Laser Brain

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An Anakin Skywalker fluff imagine.

•Warnings: violence, mentions of blood, blood loss, Anakin being a total wimp.


Right, left, right, left. Duck.

Anakin dodged the incoming gloved fists, batting them away with his arms all the while eyeing his lightsaber that sat in the corner.

If he could just use the Force to get his weapon he would be set. But unfortunately, the bounty hunter who kept swinging punches left and right kept Anakin's mind busy--basically fending for his life--to where he was unable to call his lightsaber to him. Every time where he thought he had a chance to use the Force and pull the steel sword into his hand was quickly swept away as another punch would be thrown into his face, quickly distracting him from the lightsaber.

If he was going to be honest, he thought this fight would be easier than what he had anticipated, but apparently, this bounty hunter was skilled and incredibly strong. Much stronger than Anakin had been prepared for.

The bounty hunter lunged forward and quickly placed his large meaty hands around Anakin's throat, completely catching Anakin by surprise, his throat lurched out signals of help--guttural sounds of gagging and desperate breaths escaped his grasp. Immediately he placed his own hands around the bounty hunter's and tried prying them off, but quickly found out that that wouldn't help since his own bionic super-hand couldn't even begin to lift the fingers off from around his throat.

"Anakin!" You called from the other side of the dim backlot of Nar Shaddaa, also fighting your own bounty hunter, but unlike Anakin, you had your lightsaber in your hand. "Are you alright over there?!" You couldn't exactly see what was going on because of the gigantic bounty hunter Anakin was behind, but you did notice that his lightsaber was helplessly lying on the concrete floor out of the Jedi's reach.

He strained, twisting and turning, trying to get out of his lock while simultaneously trying to answer you. He just decided to go with a strained, "Yep!", before continuing to wrestle away the hunter's hands. He could feel the air beginning to slip away from his clutch, his face turning shades of reds before slowly turning towards the purple spectrum.

Just as the air was beginning to slip away from his lungs, his feet stumbled from under him as the bounty hunter pushed him up against a wall, his back hit the durasteel building with a loud thud, quickly emitting a loud and aggravated groan from the Jedi.

The bounty hunter removed one of his hands from Anakin's throat but at the same time, gripped his airways tighter and moved him up the wall, holding onto the Jedi with just one large, meaty hand. Anakin's eyes widened as he saw the hunter draw his free hand back and form it into a fist, so quickly Anakin finally saw the chance to call his lightsaber to him. He gritted his teeth and strained his neck to look over to his weapon and quickly called upon the Force to pull his lightsaber to him.

Almost... there! He thought, his eyes glancing between the pulled back fist and the lightsaber that was flying toward him.

Finally, at last, the saber was nearing Anakin--flying at an alarming rate--it was so close until the apparent bounty hunter must've noticed the saber flying towards him and quickly turned around and swatted the lightsaber away, sending it flying back, away from Anakin once again.

Anakin let out a frustrated groan, "Oh come on!"

The bounty hunter chuckled from under his helmet, a large guttural laugh muddled by the voice modulator in his helmet made Anakin swallow. Not only was this person insanely huge, but their deep voice made Anakin question why he couldn't get the other bounty hunter instead of this thing.

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