Black Magic Woman

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Based off of the song 'Black Magic Woman' by Santana.

Warnings: Dirty talk, some ye old fashioned smut.


Anakin kept his eyes trained on the woman as she drifted around on the ballroom floor, her dress floated elegantly as she moved from person to person.

Anakin had only spoken to her a few times tonight, but other than that, he had no idea who she was. Although, he assumed she was a senator, simply because he was assigned to this formal party, where a bunch of senators had gathered together to celebrate something.

He wasn't sure what they were celebrating, but it seemed important.

The wide, circular ballroom was lit with fairy lights, stranded across the top of the room, flowers and fake vines slithered up the wall, complimenting the very air of the room, that seemed so charming and peaceful.

Across the room, on a stage, there lied an orchestra, and followed around by that, there were buffets of small, dainty desserts and finger-foods that lied on gold platters on top of tables that were draped in grey tablecloths, and of course, next to the buffets, there was a bar, where a lot of senators who looked like they didn't ask to be there had found comfort in.

Anakin had been standing in what would be the corner of the room (if a circular room could have corners in it) for quite some time. He had probably been standing there for over two hours now, continuously eyeing the buffet table. He placed a hand over his stomach as he felt it rumble with anticipation--he had forgotten to eat dinner simply because he was in a rush to arrive at his assignment. Anakin was always losing track of time, so missing a meal or two was not new to him, however, those fancy platters of food did look promising.


Instinctively placing his hand on his saber, he whips around to the voice to only find the woman he had been keeping his eyes on the entire night, standing there with two plates in her hands, her right hand extended towards Anakin as if she was offering it to him.

Anakin's stomach rumbled again as if to tell him to take the plate. He glanced down at his stomach before looking back at the small platter she was offering him.

"Yes, actually, thank you, " Anakin nods his head, relaxing his hand away from his saber, taking the plate from her hand graciously.

Anakin picks up a slice of cut Jogan fruit and turns back to watch the ball carry out, listening to the pieces the orchestra carried out, watching couples dance carelessly, all the while enjoying the sweet, detectable fruit the woman had brought him.

Which he had expected to return to the dance floor, or at least stand near a buffet table, but no, she continued to stand next to Anakin, eating her food too.

Anakin looked back at the woman, who stood next to him watching the ballroom with great curiosity as if she was people-watching.

He eyed her, curious as to why she had come up to him of all people. He was just a Jedi guarding the ballroom against anyone who seemed suspicious. He hadn't even moved from his spot since he'd arrived, he wondered why all of a sudden she had approached him.

Sure, they had shared a few sentences before, but he didn't think they were that interesting enough for her to come back to possibly hold a conversation with him.

As he thought, Anakin had finished up the fruit on his plate, setting it down on a small empty table that stood near to him.

"Thank you for the food, miss...?" Anakin had said, hoping to somehow catch her name and start a conversation with her once again.

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