Watch Me

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•Anakin Skywalker x fem reader smut

•Warnings: mirror sex, mild choking.

•A/N: this is from my tumblr so it's short. Also check out that gif of Anakin rolling his hips dhskdksnfjdks


The sound of Anakin's heavy breathing grew hot against your ear, his soft, wet lips found a place under your ear where he placed open mouthed kisses, his hips rolling into meet yours while you laid on your stomach, and Anakin pressed against your back.

You had your head turned to the side, eyes rolling and eyelids fluttering at the feeling of the tip of his cock hitting oh so firmly up against that delicious spot you craved so much, and his hot, sweaty skin pressing against yours. Then of course, the heavy breathing in your ear was sending you over the edge. Your hands make a feeble attempt to grasp at the blankets, but the blankets escape your grasp and slink off the bed.

Seemed the mattress was moving too much.

You watch the blankets fall down off the bed before letting your eyes trail back up and suddenly--


The floor-length mirror held that of the sinful image of Anakin on top of you, his head buried into your neck while your mouth hung open in a pleasured O. Your breath hitched as you watched Anakin's hips roll forward and backward--watching his cock push all the way in until his balls met with your skin and then come out only for him to roll his hips again until he was fully shoved all the way inside.

Maker, he looked so good doing it too. The way his strong back muscles flexed and tan skin was speckled in sweat, and how his hair hung in your neck... Fuck.

Anakin seems to notice your hitch in your breath, as he looks up from lingering in your neck, trying to figure out what suddenly had changed. Did he do something? Did he hit a different spot?

He looks at your head, finding it turned to the side, his eyes follow you, looking at where you're looking until he finds the mirror that's sitting across from both of you. His eyes wander up the mirror, looking at the bottom of the bed, the mattress, and then, you, meeting your eyes he realizes that you've been watching.

He has to let a smirk crawl across his lips, his hips slow down their pace and he comes to a stop while being distracted at looking at you in the mirror. He sees your face contort into confusion, surely wondering why the feeding of pleasure had been halted.

He chuckles, placing a kiss to the back of your neck, keeping eye contact with you.

"What? Having some trouble?" He teases, his left hand finds your hip where he draws soft circles, teasing the sensitive skin there where he feels you clench around him and he has to laugh again.

You whine, jutting your hips in an attempt to make him move, but his lips stay connected to your neck, and his searing eye-contact remains on yours.

You whine, jutting your hips in an attempt to make him move, but his lips stay connected to your neck, and his searing eye-contact remains on yours.

He shrugs, "Needed to do something to get something out of you."


You huff. You didn't want to play these games with him right now. You just wanted him to fuck you and make you cum.

"Which, I wanted to ask," he lets out a raspy chuckle, his lips find themselves under your ear where he lets out in a low, hushed voice, "Do you like watching yourself being fucked? Do you like it when you see my cock do... This?"

Your heart thuds against your chest as his voice vibrates in your ear, pounding at the sight in front of you when he pulls his cock out of you and then slowly pushes himself back in, where you have to let out a longing whimper.

Oh fuck... It looked and felt so good.


He seems rather pleased at your noises as a smug smirk finds itself onto his lips.

"I think I like it too..." He mutters, his head dipping back down into your neck where he lets his lips rest against the disc of your ear.

"You look so good taking my cock, angel," he huffs, beginning to roll his hips back into yours at a steady pace once again, scraping up against your walls all over again, the lewd sound of your slickness fills up the room again.

You moan at his dirty words, the coil inside your stomach finds its way there again, and you have to shut your eyes to keep yourself from cumming right then and there.

Though, Anakin doesn't seem to like this as his left hand finds your neck, giving it a firm squeeze--you instantly look up and drop open your mouth and widen your eyes. Damn it. He always knew what to do.

"Ah, ah, " he tuts, smirking into your ear, eyes of mischief keep eye-contact with you in the mirror.

"Watch me when I fuck you, princess."

Anakin Skywalker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now