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•A Darth Vader x fem reader smut imagine.

•Summary: Reader and Vader somehow are in his chamber together and she gets her pussy filled with his fingers.

•Warnings: literally just smut with some feelings, Vader's selfish in this whoops, fingering w/ leather gloves, thigh riding, maskless Vader but he's still in his suit (like the image above, credit goes to @/maltairs on Tumblr).

•A/N: for all of you Vader antis who wanna attack me for writing a smut about a murderer, bitch, Anakin literally slaughtered a whole ass village in aotc, he was a murderer from the start, don't even @ me. Also y'all are the type of people who will fuck pre-burn Vader but will say no to after burn Vader just because pre-burn Vader is "hotter". Pls.

Anyway to those of y'all who love Vader, I hope y'all have a fabulous day :)


You're tempted to move again, but Vader's burning eyes of ember sear through your skin.

Thick gloves of leather grip your waist while you straddle his thigh, his burning eyes seems to stay focused on your bare body, taking in everything oh so selfishly.

His eyes move down your figure, raking over every little detail until his eyes land upon a damp spot on his thigh, eyes immediately widening.

You're wet.

Soaking. Dripping. All over his thigh.

He removes a hand from your waist and slowly moves it down to the wet spot on the thick, padded cloth on his thigh, pressing two fingers into the slick that lied there and lifted it up into the light, letting the bright, fluorescent lighting bounce off of your shine.

He rubs his fingers together, eyes watching carefully as he admires the sin on his gloves. He looks back down at you, who's sitting there waiting impatiently, lips puckered out like a dog, begging for attention.

He almost seems to pity you, finding it endearing that you want to get off on his thigh so bad.

He lets go on the other side of your waist and moves his large hand to the side of your face.

His heart thuds in his chest while he brings his fingers to touch your face. It was so... Intimate, this... motion of him touching your face.

Everything about this was intimate, yes, but the face... it left him feeling vulnerable, and somehow, he wanted to lean into that.

Yes, this meaning of sex could be argued that it could leave him vulnerable, but no, not really. Sex to him now, was something that was simply just something to do. A passing in time. Something to do when he's bored, or when he's feeling selfish and needing to take something from someone.

Except... This time... He wasn't sure about that.

His thumb finds the underside of your jaw where he gently moves it across there, slowly, and carefully, as if you were a piece of glass, careful not to break it.

It seemed, after all, that's all he was good at these days.

He drags the pad of his thumb on the underside of your jaw until he reaches your chin, and he presses on it, signaling for you to open your mouth, and so you obey.

He slips the coated fingers into your mouth and you take them eagerly, closing your lips around them and without even telling you to do so, you begin to bob your head up and down his fingers, swallowing the feeling of the leather.

Vader feels his heart pump quickly in his chest while he watches you take his fingers and he has to withhold a groan.

He watches your lashes flutter at him, and he knows this is a sign of want. Wanting more. Wanting pleasure. Wanting something, always so eager for more.

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