Too Small

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•An Anakin Skywalker x fem!reader w/ small boobies smut

•Warnings: Not really smut, just kissing chest, mentions of insecurity about small boobs, cute Anakin shit

•Requested from my Tumblr

A/N: Uh, I'm like... Really tired of Anakin because I'm really into Narcos now, plus I'm bored of smut so I'm sorry if this is bland.


"Anakin. They're too small."

You're looking at yourself in the mirror, trying to fit into something that apparently was made for big-boobed girls.

"What? Too small? What do you mean?"

Anakin approaches you from behind, eyebrow furrowed he wraps his arms around you, leaning his head onto your shoulder.

"What's too small baby?" He asks, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"My boobs. This dress was made for girls with bigger boobs. "

Anakin pauses, realizing what was up. "Well... I still think you look amazing. Despite whatever you may think."

You huff, knowing that Anakin's words of kindness were real and sympathetic, you still held a grudge against your body. You didn't feel good enough for him, knowing that a girl with bigger boobs would've filled this dress out nicely for him, instead of your small boobs. You felt insignificant.

"I just... I don't feel good enough for you."

Anakin's eyes widen and he quickly spins you around to face him. "Don't feel good enough for me? What do you mean? Your body is so perfect, I couldn't trade you for the world," He says with sad eyes, hands rubbing your waist reassuringly.

You smile softly, sighing. "I just... I--"

"Hey, hey, I know you feel insecure," he gives you a glowing smile that seems to lift you off of your feet and you can't help the butterflies that begin to stir in your stomach. "But I for one, love your boobs. "

You roll your eyes as soon as you see that smile turn into a smirk, and you can't help but lean into his when he grips your waist and pulls you close.

"Anakin..." You begin to chide, but you're quickly stopped when he slides his hands underneath your thighs and scoops you up, earning a giggle from you.


He laughs and lays you down on the bed, where he slowly crawls on top of you, hands resting at your side.

"You're beautiful, you know that, right? And that I don't care how big your boobs are?" His words are hushed when he leans down to press a kiss into your neck. You sigh, turning your head up to let him continue, knowing that he won't stop to make you feel beautiful.

"Well... I'm glad I know that now," you mutter, feeling lost in the way Anakin's soft lips makes their way down your body, skimming over the fabric on your dress.

He hums contently, his hands move from your sides and attach themselves to your hips where they glide down and find the hem of your dress and begins to tug it up.

"Let's get this thing off, shall we?" He mumbles against your skin before perking his head up and slipping the fabric off.

Then, there as you lie before him, bare and vulnerable, he smiles at your body. He leans down and plants a kiss to your cheek, his gloved hand finds your face and cups it gently, stroking a padded thumb over it.

"Beautiful. "

Then his soft lips find yours and captures them in a gentle kiss while his hands find your breasts, and slowly begins to circle the raised peaks of your nipples with his thumbs.

You gasp at the sensation and Anakin chuckles as you arch your back into him.

"That feel good?" He inquires with a sly edge in his tone.

You nod vigorously, eager to have the Jedi move his mouth down and worship you where his hands were.

Anakin seems to read your mind as he breaks away from the kiss. His mouth moves across your skin in delicate patterns, licking and kissing and muttering soft praises about how beautiful you were.

Once his mouth finds the areolas, he looks up at you and makes eye contact. Your heart skips a beat as you watch those blue eyes burn into yours, his lips lift up and then slowly take one of your nipples into his mouth where he begins to suck intently.

"Mmm, Anakin," you moan, your hands quickly finding his soft curls and grips them.

He smirks and removes his mouth from your nipple with a wet pop, and moves back up in front of your face.

"Don't ever tell me that your boobs aren't enough for me. Got it?"

You smile, knowing that Anakin's the best person you could ever ask for.

"Got it."

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