monday, july 11th, 2022; 1:26am
4 days, 9 hours, and 34 minutes until flight home

together, the four of us made our way to the beach. we weren't initially expecting to go after midnight, but we got distracted by watching a movie. it wasn't anything special, but we also weren't in a rush to go anywhere, and we were happier taking the day at a slower pace than speeding through the week.

stepping off of the wooden stairs of the beach access, i kicked off my shoes before i fully stepped into the sand. we heard some people shouting in the distance, but it didn't seem like they were too close and the beach was essentially empty. annalise's head perked up at the sound of the voices momentarily, but she shook it after listening for a second.

"what's up, annalise?" makayla asked her.

"nothing, i just thought i heard someone i knew. it's probably just because i'm tired," she explained.

clara started walking in the direction of the voices, being the extraverted person she was.

"clara, where are you going?" i asked her.

"over to the people! they sound like they're having fun, and what's four more people?"

"we have no idea who they are, they could be creepy," makayla brought up.

"well, we have no way of knowing if we don't go talk to them," clara said, turning around with a shrug. she started running to the noises and the three of us followed behind her, a little uneasy.

we came up on a big group of around ten people. annalise squinted and looked around the group, then turned to us with a surprised look on her face. i tilted my head as to ask her what she realized.

"i think that's the group of creators i was telling you about last night, y/n," she started. "i might be wrong, i'm tired, but that one really looks like wilbur, and that one looks like fundy, and quackity..."

i looked closer at the group, and saw who i thought to be the two boys from food lion.

"clara, are those two the people we talked to today?" i asked her. she looked more closely then started talking.

"yeah, they are. wait, is that karl?" she asked.

"i think so, how do you know him?" annalise questioned.

"do you guys remember izzy?" clara asked, referring to her childhood best friend. "karl is her older cousin. how do you know him, annalise?"

"he's a streamer i watch," annalise responded, confused.

"how do we know of so many people there?" makayla asked with a laugh.

"i don't know, but now we know they're not creepy! i'm going over," clara replied, walking closer to the group. the three of us were less reluctant to go than before, but we still hardly knew them even if we had seen them.

by the time we got there, clara was already talking to the now-confused group.

"oh, hi! you're y/n, right?" the dark haired boy from earlier greeted my with a smile.

"yeah! hi again," i replied with a giggle. i locked eyes with the blond boy and waved with a smile which he reciprocated. "i never got your names," i said to them.

"i'm tubbo!" the dark haired boy said.

"tommy," the blond added, still smiling.

"these are the people we're staying with that we told you about," tubbo added.

"where did you see them, tubbo?" a very tall boy with long, dark blond hair asked with a slight laugh. his voice sounded familiar.

"they were at the shops when tommy and i went earlier," he replied.

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