tuesday, july 12th, 2022; 8:57am
3 days, 2 hours, and 3 minutes until flight home

good morning! :)

morning tommy!!

did you have any plans for breakfast today?

no, why?

i was wondering if you wanted to grab breakfast with me?

just us? :)

that's what i was hoping :)

sounds great

where do you want to meet?

there's a place by the food lion called lighthouse bagels

meet there in 20?

i'll be there!

i sighed happily and shuffled around in my bed, fully waking up and starting to move around. i knew the walk to food lion was about 10 minutes, so i still had a bit of time to get ready. i threw on a comfortable outfit and dressed for the weather this time. as i was about to leave my room, i caught sight of the sweatshirt he had given me the day prior sitting on the chair beside my bed. smiling, i grabbed it to give it back to him. it's not that i didn't want it anymore, since i would gladly take the sweatshirt for a dose of instant comfort, but i wanted to offer it back to him in case he didn't have any others in north carolina.

after a short walk in which i listened to some of my favorite music, i saw the big food lion parking lot, and a small strip of other stores on the opposite side of the grocery store. looking more closely, i saw tommy's familiar hair and noticed that he was sitting at an outdoor table just outside of the shop. i smiled and walked over to tommy.

"good morning," i said cheerily, causing him to look in my direction and return the smile i was giving him. he stood up and quickly hugged me. "i brought your sweatshirt back, just in case you didn't have any others," i explained, offering it to him.

he pushed it back to me so i was clutching it against my chest. "you can keep it."

"are you sure?"

"yeah, it looks much better on you anyway." i couldn't hold back the smile that formed when i heard him say that, and i was sure i was blushing. i nodded and put the sweatshirt on, once again overwhelmed with joy at the feeling of him. he made eye contact with me and smiled, and i looked down to my feet.

we both placed our food and drink orders inside the shop, and once we were given them we walked back outside to sit at the same table as before. it was a table for two, and i sat across from him.

breakfast sped by in what felt like seconds. even simple tasks like that just felt better with tommy. i didn't know what it was about him, but he had the power to just make me laugh and enjoy my time at the drop of a dime.

"excuse me," a teenage girl said politely, coming up to our table. "are you tommy?"

tommy smirked at me then turned his attention to the girl. "i am!"

"oh, hi! i just wanted to say i really like your content. you're so funny, keep up the great work!" she said.

"thank you!"

"have a nice day," she finished, walking away. she didn't ask for a picture or pry about us being together, and that made me almost relieved.

"you know," tommy spoke, turning back towards me, "i'm actually pretty famous."

i couldn't help but laugh. "i kind of figured," i said.

"what, why are you laughing? it's true, everyone loves me. especially women."

i smiled at him. "really? i wouldn't have guessed," i said sarcastically.

"well you better believe it now that i told you."

he inched his hand closer to mine on the surface of the table. once it got close enough that our fingers were touching, he grabbed my hand and laid both of ours on top of the table about halfway between us.

"i really like spending time with you," he told me with a genuine smile.

there were those butterflies again. i felt my stomach start doing flips, and even though i was sitting down, i could practically feel my knees go weak.

"i really like spending time with you, too, tommy." he tried to restrain a smile but it didn't quite work, a wide smile taking over his facial features.

after a few moments of happy silence, he spoke again. "do you have any other plans for today?"

"i don't think so. none of the girls have suggested anything and i think makayla and annalise are going on a date, so i'm probably pretty free," i thought aloud.

"would you maybe want to come over to my place and just hang out? we were planning on having an at-home day today and i'm sure they wouldn't mind another person," he suggested with a smile.

"that sounds great, i'd love to go."

"awesome! i'll send you the address then?"


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