wednesday, july 13th, 2022; 12:42pm
1 day, 22 hours, and 18 minutes until flight home

we're going out to the mini golf place by food lion, wanna come? :)


mind if i invite tubbo and ranboo?

that works! see you in 30?

we'll be there!!

apparently it wasn't only a standard mini golf place, it turned out that there were four different courses, all themed around separate aspects of the outer banks, and it even had a small place to play bumper cars.

"tommy, look!" i said, pointing to the bumper cars. he squinted in the direction i was pointing but his eyes widened and he started smiling when he saw them.

"can we go, y/n?" he asked me excitedly. i looked over to the three girls and noticed them already walking over to one of the golf courses.

"do you think we can wait until after golfing? i don't wanna abandon everyone just yet." he jokingly frowned and nodded, silently accepting it.

together, the seven of us got our clubs and golf balls and moved onto the first hole. letting the others go first, tommy and i stuck to the back, looking out over the assorted ponds and features of the course.

tommy's back was turned to the group, and i was facing him from the side. i smirked, stepping slightly closer, and reached up to take the baseball hat he had on. i turned it around, the brim facing backwards, and put it back on his head. scowling, he took it off, inspecting it. he looked at me, reaching in my direction with his hat in hand. he placed it on my head, covering my eyes with it.

adjusting the hat so i could see, i looked at him with a smile, not moving to take it off.

as a group, we got through all of two holes before some of us managed to get distracted. my three friends happened to be very good at mini golf, while tommy, ranboo, tubbo, and i were... not. the three girls got multiple holes in one, while the rest of us took minutes on each hole.

"y/n," tommy whined, "i'm getting a little impatient."

i laughed at him, pointing at ranboo and tubbo, who were trying to fish a golf ball out of the pond. "i think they are, too."

"can we do bumper cars now?" he asked.

"yeah, let's go," i gave in, seeing that the three girls were quite a bit ahead of us anyway. "let's go get tubbo and ranboo." tommy smiled and walked over to his close friends, telling them that they were finally allowed to go over to the bumper cars.

tubbo was the first to get into a car, choosing a purple one. he was clearly still grasping the handling of the car, since he was repeatedly driving himself into the walls on the edges of the ring.

tommy was the next in, going with a bright red one. it didn't surprise me that he was seemingly on a mission to bump into all of the children's cars. ranboo and i stood off to the side, embarrassed to have come with both of them.

"why did i let them do this?" i asked, turning to him.

"that's a good question," he mused, looking away from them while laughing.

"i guess we should probably go... make sure the children are okay," i said, it coming out as more of a question than anything else. ranboo agreed, and we took to our cars. ranboo got into a green car, leaving me with a yellow one.

neither of us made a move to start bumping into others, too distracted by tubbo bumping into the wall and the poor children. we looked at each other and somehow just ended up crashing into each other's cars over and over again.

soon, tubbo had evidently figured out how to move his car, and all of the kids had vacated the ring, as both other boys joined us. tubbo stood watching me and ranboo bumping into each other, but tommy's presence was made known when he crashed into both of us, pushing us to opposite sides of the ring.

laughing, i drove back to where ranboo and i were originally stationed, him doing the same. tommy came back, backing up and slamming into our cars repeatedly with a completely straight face.

i couldn't hold back from laughing again when i saw his deadpanned look, to which he cracked a small smile. the four of us stayed in the ring for a few more minutes, entertaining ourselves endlessly.

eventually, we all got tired of the bumper cars, and our stomachs were grumbling for lunch. i tried to grab my friends before we left, but after a quick text back and forth with clara, i found out that they had already gone back to the house.

there was a little italian place just down the street which we walked to quickly, choosing a booth to eat at. ranboo and tubbo sat on one side, leaving me and tommy on the other.

i had talked to tubbo and ranboo a couple of times, and i knew we clicked well when we did have a conversation, but i found myself having a great time talking to them over lunch. we had gotten into the conversation of life back home and their jobs.

"yeah, tommy and i met when he raided me," tubbo told me.

"when did you meet them, ranboo?" i asked.

"well, i pretty much got lucky on tiktok and people started watching my streams. i got raided by a few people on the smp - you know about the smp, right?" he asked, causing me to nod, remembering the detailed conversation from the time that tommy explained the storyline of it to me. "cool. and then i streamed with some of them a few times, especially tubbo and fundy, and long story short i got invited during a stream."

naturally, the conversation lulled after a bit, and a sad thought popped into my head.

"i don't want this week to be over. it's gonna be so weird to just... not see you guys," i thought out loud.

the three of them hummed in agreement.

"it's always so sad to go back home on vacations, but especially now that we won't see each other for a while," tubbo said.

"i'm gonna be sad to go," tommy started, "but i want to see betty and walter again."

i tilted my head to the side in thought. "betty and walter?"

"i haven't told you about them?" he asked, causing me to shake my head. "they're my dogs! i love them, i have to show you a picture of them some time." i couldn't help but smile at how i could see the soft side of tommy when he talked about the dogs.

conversation resumed as normal shortly after as we all tried not to think about the sad things, but rather what would make us smile in the moment. when tubbo was talking about his newfound love of a specific game, i felt tommy take my hand.

i was wearing two rings in that moment, and he started playing with one of them, twisting it around my finger. the feeling of his light touch against my hand made me smile, and in that moment i felt purely happy.

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