tuesday, july 12th, 2022; 1:04pm
2 days, 21 hours, and 56 minutes until flight home

i tied my wet hair up, snuggling into the newest sweatshirt of tommy's that i had just been given.

"fuck," tommy said as he pushed himself halfway out of the hot tub.

"what's up?" i asked him, sitting up slightly to see if i could figure out what he was worried about.

"we didn't bring any towels."

i let out a short laugh. "looks like we gotta run inside then," i replied.

"here we go, i guess," he laughed. we both got out of the hot tub and shook off a bit to not trail too much extra water into the house.

i grabbed his hand and started counting. "three, two, one, go!" we started sprinting to the door and made a mad dash to the bathroom attached to his bedroom, him leading me through the house. we were once again laughing the whole way there. something about being with him just made me ecstatic. i couldn't stop my smiles, my laughs... being with tommy was synonymous with being happy.

he threw me my clothes from before along with the hoodie he was wearing when i first got to the house, leaving me with the bathroom to change in while he took his room. i smiled at the gesture of him giving me another hoodie, secretly hoping he wouldn't want it back.

"do you want to make cookies, or something?" i asked him, getting a sudden inclination to bake.

"i've never tried before," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

"what?" i asked him, laughing.

"i don't know, it's just never come up! i'm sure i'm great at it though, just like everything else."

"lets run out to food lion and get some cookie mix then, we can see for sure if you're just as much of a genius at baking as you are at art."

after about a half an hour, we were standing in the dairy section of food lion.

"why the fuck are there so many types of butter," he asked me under his breath.

"i have no idea," i muttered. i went to grab a box that contained a couple sticks of butter, only to read the label and see that it was vegan. "just choose one, i'm too indecisive."

tommy closed his eyes and moved his hand around out in front of us, stopping his hand and opening his eyes when he touched one of the boxes. "guess we're getting this one," he said, picking up a box of unsalted, store brand butter.

in all honesty, the baking itself went much more smoothly than i expected. there were some hiccups, of course, but nothing that would make or break the success of the cookies on its own. one of those hiccups just happened to be caused by tommy wanting to show me how manly he was.

"tommy, we have to soften the butter first," i told him.

"no, that's just a suggestion for if you're weak. i'm not weak, though, so we can just use the cold butter."

"i don't think that's how it works," i warned him, knowing that he wouldn't back down and my attempts to make him stop were most likely futile.

"just watch me, y/n," he said with a smirk. tommy dumped the cold butter into the bowl that contained the cookie mix. he grabbed the whisk that was sitting on the counter and started trying to crush the butter with it, barely making a dent. he took a few moments to squish the pieces, only straining his muscles.

"not weak, huh?" i asked playfully.

"no, i'm not weak, you just need to trust in the process."

he kept pushing on the butter, not making any progress. after a couple of seconds, he stopped momentarily and sighed, starting again with a different angle that happened to be even less successful than the first. he dropped the whisk and looked at me.

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