monday, july 11th, 2022; 9:51pm
3 days, 13 hours, and 9 minutes until flight home

unknown number
it's tommy :)

hey, tommy!

my friends keep talking about last night

they think you guys are really cool

aw, that makes me happy 🥺

you guys should come again tonight!

we're heading over soon

i'll go talk to them and see what they say :)

i looked up from my phone and saw the other three sitting on the assorted couches and chairs in the living room.

"do you guys want to go back to the beach tonight?" i asked them.

"sure, why not?" annalise said, to which makayla and clara also hummed in agreement.

we'll be there soon!!

can't wait :)


as the four of us began walking to the beach, i felt my phone buzz in my pocket. i took it out and looked at the notification, seeing another text from tommy.

we're here, see you soon!

we're like 3 minutes away!!



my friends are making fun of me

they found out i'm talking to you

i smiled down at my phone and silently giggled. clara looked at me and smirked.

"why are you smiling at your phone?" she asked, a cheeky grin on her face.

"shut up," i replied, trying to keep a straight face but a smile playing at the corners of my mouth.

"tommy?" makayla asked, smiling. i nodded lightly.

"do you like him?" clara asked.

"i just met him, don't move too quickly," i replied.

"okay..." clara trailed off suggestively, smirking.

i'm coming as quickly as i can

my friends also figured it out

clara's harassing me

within a couple of minutes, the four of us reached the beach. i saw the group and started walking slightly faster, excited to see them yet again. a couple people were up and moving around, and others were sitting on the sand. wilbur had a guitar in his lap and was playing a few different songs. i saw that they brought a few bags, and niki pulled a blanket out of one, so i figured they thought ahead for when it was getting colder in the next couple of hours.

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