friday, july 15th, 2022; 8:34am
2 hours and 26 minutes until flight home

i dragged my feet along the dismal linoleum floors of the airport, my luggage in one hand and my backpack on my shoulders. my free hand was in tommy's and our hands were clutched together like it would be the last time we ever saw each other. in all fairness, we had no idea what the future held, and that whole week could be resolved to just a distant memory in a matter of time.

we didn't all have the same flight since we came from different home towns and countries, but that didn't stop us from all waiting at the airport together. even karl, who was just driving home, came to say goodbye.

"hey, y/n?" ranboo asked, tapping me on the shoulder.


"do you or the others have, like, a discord or anything?"

"i don't right now," i replied sadly, remembering that the platform was the main form of communication amongst the eight of them.


"maybe we could all just exchange numbers?" tubbo suggested, addressing the group. "i think we all want to keep in touch after this week," he added with a sad smile.

"are you sure you guys trust us with having your numbers?" i returned with a small laugh, knowing the dangers of being doxxed as a content creator.

"i think i speak for all of us when i say that we trust you," ranboo added.

with that, we all formed a group chat over text. it wasn't the optimal way for most people to talk, but it was better than nothing.

tommy and i ended up sitting a few rows of chairs away from the others in their terminal, both under a mutual agreement that we should talk out our future together.

"so," i started, not able to form coherent thoughts.

"so," he returned.

"i just... i don't know. i obviously really like you, and i'd like to continue... this... and i really don't want it to just turn into a fling, but distance fucking sucks," i explained, causing him to nod.

"yeah, i was thinking the same thing. i'm just scared that if we don't see each other every day then we'll lose what we have, and i really don't want that to happen, because i haven't been this happy in a long time," he added.

i gave him a half smile at that. "well, there's no point in thinking about all the bad things that could happen. how about... we promise to facetime at least twice a week. that way it's low commitment and we can stick to it. i mean, it's sad to say, but if it works, then it works, but if it doesn't, then maybe it was never meant to be."

tommy nodded, looking down. "i really wish we had more than a week."

i put my head on his shoulder. "me too, but hey, at least we got the chance to meet at all."

"aw, come on, now you're just gonna make me cry," he replied with a melancholy laugh, leaning his head back on top of mine.


all of the people that lived in europe were going home on the same flight, leaving fundy with a layover in england before he got all the way home. the moment i had been dreading so much had finally arrived, and their flight started boarding. they were a few groups away from being called onto the plane, and that was when everyone started exchanging their goodbyes.

wilbur walked up to me first. "i'm gonna miss you," he told me, wrapping me up in a bear hug.

niki added to the hug with a smile. "thank you both," i spoke.

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