Chapter 1- The Brute

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She couldn't believe what she just saw. He didn't....

"Surprised" was a light word to express her state of mind. Her eyebrows furrowed and the shock left to let the anger take its place. Her cheeks were getting red, the blood was rushing through her veins boiling with disbelief. Her fingers twisted towards her palm in a firm fist.

No. no. no. She wanted to stay calm. She took a deep breath but she found herself choking on the air entering her lungs. It was the drop of water that broke the camel's back. 

How dare he disrespect the whole world like this?

She dug deep in her soul, found some courage and got up in a hurry that made her sight blur. With her hands still forming two pressured rocks on each side of her body, she took long strides towards her target, her eyes sending thunders to everywhere she looked at. Her heart was now flaming, why was the existence against her today?

She bent down, picked the small object from the freshly cut grass and like a fury followed a tall dark figure. She was fed up so she threw forward the little stick forcefully on a black leather jacket, making the one wearing it turn around in surprise.

Light hazel eyes welcomed Diana with confusion swimming in their depth. What the fuck was happening right now?

Without hesitating for a second, she started to ramble on and on. She was nearly screaming, talking too fast for anyone's understanding.

Everybody around them stopped whatever they were doing and peaked their ears to listen to what's happening. Some took their phones to record the scene in front of them, this could be the scoop of the year! Even though they could only see the girl's face and barely hear her words, her behavior was enough to let the whole university talk about it.

But before anyone could even press on the "record" button, someone stormed towards the young lady and snatched her from the whole scene she caused. Her friend started walking back with her in his arms, giving the shocked eyes' owner an apological look and a small embarrassed smile.

Diana was not finished with her lava speech, but the grip on her shoulders was too tight for her to escape.

You are probably asking yourself: what made Diana act like that?

Actually... nothing much.

Let's start from the beginning for you to understand the origin of this whole situation. She just had a rough day.


Six hours and fourteen minutes earlier.

A small flower, a little pig's face and a star have been drawn on the left side of the page of Diana's note book, those doodles were probably the only positive thing that happened to her this morning. If you were in the room and pinched your eyes enough you could have seen the word "bored" written on her forehead.

It was Thursday and the big brown clock on the wall showed 9:18 am. Twelve minutes and she'll be finally free from this class.

The young lady started the third year of her agronomy degree at the university of Bradford a week ago, and as much as this class was necessary, she couldn't focus. She was next to Harry in the back of the amphitheater. Without her contact lenses she couldn't see, so no studying for her today. She couldn't find her glasses in her purse either, fucking myopia it was all your fault!

Surprisingly, the professor organized his papers, took his suitcase and left ten minutes early.

After yawning, Harry took off his eyes from the board. His joyful green eyes were surrounded by a dark shade of gray and his brown locks were lazily laying on the side of his face. Harry was binge-watching all night a Korean series he newly found and couldn't shut up about it. The young lady wondered often how he could stay up all night and wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning so easily.

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