Chapter 3- The Brute

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Pathetic, she wanted to hit her head in the wall and Tracy's scolding wasn't really helping her.

"What were you thinking? You never act like that, it's like your brain skipped the phase of proceeding before acting."

Yesterday, after getting her demand refused and cracking her phone's screen, she thought it was normal to attack a total stranger over a cigarette thrown on the ground out of anger.

What was she thinking? She couldn't help herself but cringe. She was delusional!

This morning when she woke up, going to university today was not an option, she embarrassed herself in front of half the students there.

She'd rather have the ground underneath her break off in two and swallow her to death. But Harry always had his way with her. With a bit of pressure, a little comforting and a "Don't worry, nothing really happened", he convinced her to get up.

"But...but Tracy do you know how many years this cigarette butt needs to disappear? Between eighteen months and ten years, can you imagine? Ten years! And...and the, the trash bin was like two meters away from him. I couldn't accept that! Besides, yesterday I held the record of the worst day ever, at the moment I couldn't think straight."

She huffed, disappointed with her previous behavior. The strange looks everybody was giving her since she entered the university gates had her head directed to the ground.

It was irritating. She felt like an animal escaping the zoo.

Tracy decided to change her approach when she saw her friend's cringed face.

"Oh baby, it's okay I promise. Nothing happened. But tell me who was this guy you attacked?"

Thinking back at the guy's face, Diana couldn't remember his exact traits.

She whined: "Erm Tee, you know me, you and Harry are the only people I know. But I think I've never seen him before, maybe he's new here?"

"No honey he's everything but new. He, in fact is the most known person in town." Harry came back from the distributor with a half empty water bottle. Tracy gave him a questioning look confused about the mysterious person's identity.

He continued with a smirk dripping with sarcasm: "Tee, babe, remind me: who was the most loved and popular person in Bradford a few years ago?"

After a few seconds of wondering, Tracy's eyes bulged open with shock. She could fit the whole earth in her mouth so much it was open. While Harry chewed on the apple found in his backpack nonchalantly.

"Harry stop kidding me, it can't be him, he left town a while ago. We never saw him for like, like years."

"Who?" Diana wasn't understanding anything.

"I swear to you that it was The Brute!" He said persistently.

If Harry spoke Chinese, Diana would've understood more.

Laughing nervously at her, Harry asked: "You don't know him?"

Tracy couldn't believe what she just heard. She jumped from her seat: "Of course not! She was still living in London at the time." Understanding more Diana's confusion, she investigated more: "Diana, when did you move to Bradford?"

Still not understanding anything from this conversation, Diana answered: "This August marked my third summer here. But what's the link?"

"Aha!" Harry had his eyebrows raised, a smart expression covering his face. Tracy and him just understood everything. 

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