Chapter 8- The Brute

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"I wish I asked for his name, just to have an identity to this god-like face..." Brown eyes were daydreaming about this young man the small group of friends bumped into the other day at the store.

"You're still drooling because of him?" Asked Harry amusingly after ignoring his friend for five minutes, texting messages on his mobile.

Tracy offended, praised crush at first sight and they both ended in an infinite loop debating whether if liking someone by just seeing them is realistic or not.

On the other hand, Diana was panicking like crazy. She had an assignment for her writing class that she completely forgot about during the weekend.

I promise you, waking up on a Monday morning and remembering an important task you didn't do is not the best way to start off your week.

Lacking of caffeine she was trying to figure out synonyms for the word 'vase', she didn't want to use it a hundred times in a small page.

She wasn't paying attention to her surrounding, not to her two stupid friends, not to the people passing by the wooden table where they were sitting and not even to the birds and the wind like she usually does.

Suddenly, everyone at the Rosana's statue stopped what they were doing and went all silent. It's like everybody there stopped breathing.

Finding the silence and the few whispers odd, Diana looked up to her friends to find both of their eyes directed behind her. She turned and found everyone staring at her black-haired classmate.

At this point, she was no longer surprised. Every time he steps somewhere, his entry will be as dramatic as if he was some sort of monster or a king or a combination of both.

She ignored the whole scenery and continued her work. If she wanted to finish it before class, she didn't have time for this new episode of "What scandal did The Brute do today."

Ah yes, 'recipient' would be a good substitute for 'vase'. Why didn't she think about that before?

In this split of a moment, Hazel eyes trapped in a hunted body burned the back of a white spirited girl.

When Malik entered the building, everyone started talking normally again and went back to their business.


"No Carter, it's not you who is supposed to fake cry while reading the text. For god's sake, we're not in a drama class. Your character should cry when he sees the box you described and you should tell us why. I thought it was all clear when I gave you the instructions last time."

Misses Dora laughed lightly at the cuteness of her student and called another student to the board. Diana already read her text so she started to write something for herself.

"Zayn, I know you usually don't like to share your work with the others. But would you make an effort this time and come to the board and read your, for sure, beautiful paragraph?"

Malik ignored the teacher like she was some background noise and continued doodling on his paper. Dora was determined to break him out of his silence this time.

She went back to his desk and took his paper before he even realised that she was standing in front of him.

The scariest glare award goes to Zayn Malik without any hesitation. "Hey the explorer, why don't you find a map that will take you far away from me?" Silence fell on the room like wreck.

Embarrassed, misses Dora gave him back his paper and stepped back to the front of the class.

What did he say? Nobody understood what he meant. All were trying to process what he said but the way he hissed his words, like a snake spitting its poison, distracted them.

Nobody moved or even breathed until a hysteric laugh shattered the embarrassing quiet.

Diana who was usually so quiet was laughing harder than if she was watching a comedy movie. At this rate, she was going to pee her pants.

Her hurting cheeks turned red and her eyes watered as her hands were placed on her stomach to try and control herself. A small snort came out of her mouth, it made her cover her mouth and laugh harder.

The four people in the room looked at her like she was an alien.

She couldn't believe it, did Zayn Malik A.K.A 'The Brute' just had referred "Dora the explorer"? No way, that was so random and unexpected. He had such a serious face; he even mentioned the cartoon character's map.

When she finally took a breath, she threw a look toward this lame joke's owner and she saw the tiniest smirk twitching the corner of his plumped lips.

He looked back at her and winked before taking his belongings and walk out the door leaving Diana choking on her own saliva.

It was so quick; she must have been dreaming.

The attitude he had today including being calmer than usual, joking, half smiling and winking made Diana wonder about his true nature.

He was maybe a funny guy who just needed someone to understand him.

Although the whole drama people made up about him and everything she saw, she thought that maybe after all he was a nice misunderstood guy.

She shook her head and tried to focus back to what she was writing in the first place. She forgot for a moment that she was in class.

She smiled to herself, did she just have a bonding time with the guy everybody was afraid of?

Such a small smile made his expression look so much softer than his usual frown. What would his face look like with a whole crescent moon plastered on it?

She should maybe take a step forward toward him, he may need a friend here.

It's obvious that the guy he was talking to the other day was not from here and was praying Zayn to come visit him. She can be his friend here if he was pleasant more often.

His eyes were ablaze, they created a sparkle in her. Her own made him drown somewhere he felt comfortable in for a second. It was obviously not a normal eye contact.

The only question remaining is: when will the fire meet the only water that can extinguish it again?


Hello guys, sorry for the wait but I was really busy with exams the last days. don't worry, more updates are coming your way!!!!

I hope you like this chapter, if you did show me some appreciation by clicking this small orange star or commenting.

Some questions for you to answer:

- How do you feel about Zayn's reputation ???

- Did you expect Zayn to joke around like that? What about Diana's reaction? 

More bonding times in the next chapters!!!!!!

Love you all!! <3

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