Chapter 11- The Brute

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He was crouching in a dark empty spot with smoke going out of his nostrils. He was tranquil; he didn't notice Diana yet and was looking up at the cloudy sky.

He was a cloudy sky.

Diana didn't want to bother him, actually she didn't want to have another chance to embarrass herself in front of him, so she decided to go find another calm corner.

As she was about to turn, she heard him clear his throat: "Wasn't expecting you at this kind of events." He didn't flinch from his original position and was still looking up.

She didn't know what to answer because she didn't really understand what he meant. After a short moment of her staring at him to try and decipher the complex that he was, he looked at her and held the end of his lips up.

He was so soft relatively to every time she saw him before.

"Yeah, you seem like an introvert, too calm to be at this Cole guy's party. I bet Tom and Jerry dragged you here. No?" His teeth were now showing through his tiny smile. He really was out of this world.

Diana giggled when she understood that he was referring to her friends; it was so cute just like everything she does.

She approached a bit and leaned on the brick wall: "You got me... But this time they didn't need to work on their arguments much. But now I kind of regret coming."

The soft pink tinted on her cheeks didn't match her heart who was doing jumping jacks in her ribcage. It was the first official time they share a normal conversation, it made her feel a little bit special.

Zayn chuckled a little: "It's alright, my friend, Louis, had a hard time convincing me to come. At some point we all regret coming."

He took another puff of his cigarette and looked back towards the sky and closed his eyes. He was in his own bubble and with his calmness, he was including her in it.

They kept quiet for a few more seconds looking at the night around them and sometimes peeking at the party going on at their left. Suddenly, he stood up in a hurry: "Gotta go back!"

He turned and took long rapid strides towards her directly. Her athletic heart was now on a trampoline. Was it out of fear? Was it out of excitement? She couldn't know, all she did was freeze in her place.

He came so close to her; she could smell his cologne mixed with the odor of the cigarette he was smoking.


His eyes dived in hers, his arm brushed against hers and gave her body a wave of chills. Then, almost immediately, He removed his arm and took a step back.

It went so fast.

She looked down to where his hand went and saw right beside her a small trash can she didn't notice when she arrived.

"Don't yell at me this time. I'm mother nature's best friend!" The shadow of a smile reappeared on his flawless face.

Diana didn't have the time to react that he was already gone. The bubble they were in popped so unexpectedly.

She released a breath she didn't know she was holding and took a minute to understand everything that happened in the last five minutes of her life.

Zayn Malik talked to her, smiled during the conversation, swung some jokes and even threw his cigarette in the trash instead of the floor.

Wow, was this all a dream? She pinched her arm to be sure that it was not, at least she hoped that it really happened.

She tapped her cheeks a few times to wake herself up, she adjusted her clothes and checked her watch. It was finally time to go, she can now search for her friends and find an excuse to go back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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