Chapter 9- The Brute

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"Oh, my goodness Albert you always stain your shirts! I don't recall marrying a five-year-old. Lilac, can you give me a wet cloth with a little bit of soap on it?"

Sitting on the big sofa in the middle of the living room, Agatha was scolding her husband about how he never pays attention when he's eating.

Diana removed her eyes from her phone and nodded at her grandmother.

She walked to the kitchen with a smile on her face, her grandparents were so adorable. But in full honesty, her smile hasn't left her face since yesterday. She may not be over the mini tiny moment with Zayn.

She was proud and felt kind of special because she was maybe the only person in the university who had a link with him other than the stupid rumors and gossips.

"Thank you darling, you're such a sweetheart." Agatha smiled and started to rub her husband's shirt forcefully.

When her granddaughter was about to join her friend's car outside, she stopped her: "Hey, your father called today, he's doing fine."

At that, Diana's mood fell immediately to the ground, she rolled her eyes and huffed irritatingly. "Mm mmm, good for him." She said unenthusiastically.

Why does his name and subject always have to come by when she's doing fine? He calls literally once in a century and we should all be happy to hear from him. It was such a pathetic situation.

"Don't pull this face on me, he asked about you."

Diana was sure he didn't but didn't interject to not upset her grandmother. He never did, why would he now?

She leaves without saying a word making her elders glance at her back with a sad look full of pity.

The young lady stomped hardly on the ground; her heart was burning her chest like it wanted to escape. Devastated? Furious? Melancholic? Which word was better at describing how she felt every time this scenario happens?

It's crazy how a few words can change her mood one hundred and eighty degrees.

"What's up gurl...Oh. Hello dee." Tracy's tone decreased in the second she saw her friend's gloomy facial expression.

Harry felt the tension too and looked back at the girl sitting in the passenger seat, they both knew what it was about. During the whole drive, the two tried to cheer up Diana who was seeing red in the back seat.

Arriving at the university, they all took their things and took separated paths from the Rosana.

Tracy went up to her pattern making class, Harry to some friends and Diana to the toilets because she didn't have the time to at the house. She was in hurry so she didn't notice that someone was leaving as she was about to enter.

She bumped into someone and stumbled back a little from the impact. She saw papers falling to the floor and quickly went down to her knees to pick them up until she saw perfectly manicured fingers surpassing her.

At the end of these hands was Samantha, the first half of this unusual duo in her creative writing class.

Before she could even apologize, Sam has already assembled her sheets rapidly as if they contained crucial information.

She gave our protagonist a death glare, pressed her belongings to her chest like they could disappear any minute now, turned around and left.

Maybe she was just protective of her private stuff?

Diana shrugged off the whole situation and went back to her business.


Plant breeding was Harry's favorite subject, he was so focused that sweat might start running down his forehead. Diana liked it too, but she was more into genetics.

The class started an hour ago and still had two to go. Harry looked down at his phone that just vibrated in his pocket to find a message from Tracy on the group chat.

'Guys guess what!! This Friday there's a party @ Cole's villa and he and his friends are inviting every1 like every year to celebrate the beginning of Uni year *.* ARE YOU IN????'

Tracy has always been the party animal of the group, she was up to hard alcohol, dancing all night long, socializing and wearing extra fashionable clothes. Harry already knew everyone there and was always in for a little bit of fun.

Diana on the other hand wasn't really a social person like her male friend nor a crazy partier like the other one. But it's been a while since the last time the three of them had a night out.

The last time they partied was before the start of the school year, approximatively three weeks ago. So, Diana decided that she'd like to attend Cole's party especially since his parties are always fun.

It wasn't a bad idea. She nudged Harry's side with her elbow and when he turned to her, she smiled and whispered that all three should go have some fun.

Her friend immediately forgot all about plants and their breeding because Diana accepting to attend a social event, especially an over-crowded party, without him and their other friend begging, happens only through a miracle.

With dimples digging his cheeks, the young man started to plan the Friday's program with his friend laughing lightly at his excitement.

When they were about to leave, Curly started bouncing everywhere in the hallways. As Diana hung her aqua green backpack ready to follow him, she saw Tracy sprinting like a fury towards them.

She started rambling with sparkles in her eyes like she was a kid on Christmas eve.

"OMG! Guys I'm so happy we're finally gonna party after so many weeks! We really should look amazing, Diana don't bother to find an outfit, me and Harry are going to choose it for you. And we should go to the hairdresser to make my hair pop, my Libra rising should be on its best!"

Tracy didn't take a breath during her tirade: "Maybe I'll run into the love of my life?? And Harry, you pick me up early so we can get ready at Diana's. Omg! And you both have to snap cute pictures of me before going because a cutie has to post on her Instagram!"

The other two laughed at her behavior, Tracy was really something else. They walked out of the lecture hall with a happy energy embracing them.

Diana was certain they are going to have fun atthis party, but I'm not so sure about it.


Hey hey hey, how are you all?

 Here is the new chapter, small but the next one is gonna be the chapter of the party and I promise it's going to be long!!!!!

If you appreciated this part, a little orange star or a comment would be appreciated!! 

Your comments make me so happy so feel free to express your thoughts on literally anything!!

Small questions for you:

- What do you think of the small conversation Diana had with her Grandparents? Why do you think she is so mad at her dad?

- What do you think is going to happen at the party in the next chapter?? 


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