We don't want perfect lives, just happy ones

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Emma's P.O.V~

As i reach for the door handle, rage building inside me like a tower, about ready to burst, God he is so annoying why do i even try? But before i know it he puts his hand over my mouth and yanks me backwards hard and flips around a corner. I go to pry his hand off and yell in his face but i feel his breathing on my ear "Shh don't do anything just listen" He said shortly after and i freeze. Heavy boot steps and muffled talking come from behind the door, deep within the hallway. He slowly takes his hand from my mouth but doesn't let me go from his grip "what are you going to do?" I whisper and i hear him sigh "I'm sorry" He finally says letting me go and i turn to look at him "Luke this is not the right time to be apologizing we can discuss this later"

"No i wasn't talking about that, I was talking about this" He says sliding a gun from the side table near by "What the hell are you planning on doing with that?" I ask and he puts it in his pants behind his back before leaving, Going to the door, like is he insane "I want you to lock the door behind me okay."

"What?! No! Luke you are not going out there!"

"I have to. I'm sorry" and i grab his arm "Hey listen to me we can just lock the door now and hide somewhere you don't have to risk your life for this"

"They're going to break in here eventually i can just slow them down if i don't stop them first"

He is crazy oh my god why would this idea ever cross his mind? This is farcical!

"Luke you are not going out there you are going to get yourself killed" I say stepping in front of him and locking the door "Emma Please move" He says but i shake my head.I refuse to move from this door.I don't care how stubborn i'll seem i am not moving

"Emma" He says looking at me and i cross my arms "Don't make me move you" He finally says grabbing me and lifting me off to the side as he unlocks the door and goes out.

"Hey!" I hear a man call and my heart stops "Hey no need for trouble fella's" Luke says but i hear there boot steps getting closer and i hear them cock their guns. Oh my, Luke what's your plan now? "No need guys no need" I hear Luke say before gun fire fills the apartment.

And that's when i made the stupidest decision ever. I run out into the hallway to see two guys collapsed dead on the floor and one left standing "Oh who's this?" He says right by the door while Luke walked down the hallway a little "Emma?" He says confused and the man grabs me by my hair and pulls me back against him before putting the gun on my back "You let her go!" Luke yells walking closer his gun pointed high "You shoot me and down goes your pretty slut"

"Don't you dare call her that!" Luke says walking closer and closer "Luke put your gun down" I say with a shaky breath "Yeah Luke listen to the whore" He says pulling me back by my hair again and i let out a screech. This man was disgusting he looked dirty and he smelled terrible and he had less teeth than a 1 year old. Luke doesn't lower his gun even a little.

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