Promises, oh promises.

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Its been 4 months since that one night we decided to go insane and drink a tone and he hasn't ever answered my question and this morning was the morning i decided to ask again, i wanted to know about his past. "Well...." He says in a raspy voice as he runs his hand through his hair. I won't say i'm falling in love with him or anything like yes, he is extremely handsome and adorable but if we only have each other right now lets make the most of it and the more i think of it i enjoy the company. I always think about how it would be like to just leave. I know I've tried making escapes before and all but the more i sit and actually think about it, it would suck. I always liked having company with me, I wasn't the type of person that wanted to be alone 24/7 because i feel like after so long your mind will just engulf you and you will go mad. And i know sooner or later that will happen seeing how the world has decided to play itself out but i would rather go crazy and loose my mind with someone there either loosing their mind with me or trying to help, I know if they don't die the same time i do it seems stupid and all but at least i would die knowing someone was there, if they decided to stay after they realized i wasn't going to make it.

"Well you don't have to if you don't want to, you know i don't mind if you don't want to go back into your life before and all" I say shrugging as he finally looks at me as he sits in front of me on the bed "But will you make a promise?" I say as he looks at me confused, God he hasn't said any more than a word for a few days, and that made me really regret asking him about himself even though i do have a right too, but i guess as long as he isn't convicted of man slaughter and/or rape or something i guess he will just be a big mystery until he decides to let me know "Promise me your not going to leave." I finally say the words came as fast as a bullet and he looked at me surprised "Promise me that if i get bit or shot or something you won't leave, you will stay with me until my very last breath. Because i'm going to be honest now, i am terrified to be left alone. Everyone i ever knew or cared for ended up leaving and i don't want that to happen" And he didn't say anything, why wasn't he saying anything? He just looked back down. I felt my throat tighten and i couldn't find my voice. I knew this was going to happen just like it has with everyone else. It feels like time has past so fast. Not just now in this moment but since it started. Its really weird because i haven't seen any zombie type things for a long time, they just started to disappear like you don't even see there bodies. I heard a rumor that this all started because this asshole made the virus and gave it to a few volunteers in the lab he worked with and it spread like wildfire. And he did this all because he also made this antidote type of thing with the virus saying it would protect you from them and you wouldn't get infected so everyone started buying it for high amounts of money thinking it would protect them but it didn't. So this dick was reeling in a lot of cash but his plan soon backfired as he actually tried to make an actual antidote to fix what he has done so the stupid people of the world would think it worked and buy the other stuff he was planning on making but all the antidotes he was making weren't working and he soon died too. So thanks fuck face.I look at Luke and worry creases his brow "Luke why aren't you speaking? You haven't said more than 2 words to me for awhile." I Say softly feeling every word stab me in the gut "Emma" He finally says softly back, not looking up "If you really knew me you would know that,..." and he stops like what he's about to say hurts him and i feel worried and sad and so many other things "You would know that i'm not very good with promises" I felt my eyes get glassy and he lets out a sigh. God i hate myself for ever thinking he was going to stay let alone keep a promise like that.

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