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-6 months later- Emma's P.O.V~

"Hey Luke i want to talk to you" I say going over to sit next to him but right as i sit he stands "Later. I need to go hunt. Look for food. That stuff"

"Are you kidding me" I say frustrated and standing up as he goes for the door "Lucas seriously" I say grabbing his arm but he shakes my hand away "Luke that means stop" I say closing the door he started to open and i look up at him "What do you want?" He asks harshly sounding just as frustrated and angry as me "Are you kidding me!" I say angrily with a frustrated laugh "What?!" He asks madly looking at me with furrowed eyebrows "You!" I spit out after a moment of silence "So? Whats the matter?" He says breaking eye contact and looking off to the side "What is up with you? You have been being such an asshole lately. You won't have a conversation with me. you always make these dumb excuses to leave to look for food or go clean something or go to the bathroom whenever i try to talk to you and i'm sick of it! Cut the crap Luke what the hell is going on!" I yell at him making him look at me again and he tightens his jaw making it stick out at the sides and i see his biceps tighten "I don't know what your talking about" He finally lets out and i give another frustrated laugh "You have changed and i just want to know what the fuck happened. We use to talk for hours now i'm lucky if we talk for even 5 minutes. You always wanted to spend time with me. Asking if i was okay, wanting to hug and cuddle and be by me all the time but now it seems your to busy, always wanting to leave. I loved the laughs and jokes and funny moments we have had together and i won't even be surprised if you even remember now." He looks away again and sighs and i move back to the couch but i don't sit down. This catches his attention and he watches me with a close eye "You know what. Fine. Go. If you want to then leave. Just know that if you walk out that door, don't be too sure i'm gonna be here when you get back." and he loosens his muscles and opens his mouth like hes gonna say something. I can feel the sting in my nose as my eyes start to water "Its probably cold outside. Take your jacket" I say through clenched teeth as i whip his jacket at him hearing the slight ring of the zipper hitting the door "Emma come one" He says lightly taking a step further into the house. closer to me. "No Luke if you want to get away from me so bad than go. I'm giving you the opportunity. But you know since it's the apocalypse i wouldn't be to sure there will be any 10 dollar hookers on the side of the street. But it would be best to keep an eye out" I snap and he sighs again "I'm not leaving" He says getting closer "But i thought you wanted to. Nows the chance i'm letting you leave, no further questions. You can stop all this chatter and leave. Go to what ever silence or cave or god knows where you have been wanting to go to so badly." I say finally sitting on the couch "But if i go i will probably loose you" he says softly putting his hands in his pockets and looking down at his feet "Wouldn't make a difference on how much you have been ignoring me lately" and he sighs and looks up at me like i hurt him deeply and he runs a hand through his hair "Do you want to know why i have been leaving so much lately?" He asks walking towards me his heavy boots echoing throughout the room as he sits down next to me and takes my hand, a sudden act of affection that he has been hiding. "Um yes, that would be great thank you" I say looking at him and he inhales and a smile stretches the corner of his mouth "It's kind of embarrassing when i go to say it out loud." he says with a small laugh and i look at him puzzlingly "Lets just say i have been a bit.....-a bit sexually frustrated lately" and i stop and he looks at me "Are you kidding me?" I say with no expression "What?" He asks confused "You have been so distant and to yourself because you want to go sneak off and masturbate without telling me? If you just told me what was going on like last month i would have understood and i wouldn't be angry as to why you were being so secretive" and he looks at me with his mouth open like hes going to say something but can't find the words to say "Okay if you want to greet your little friend again go ahead. I'll be here." i say getting up "what?" He says quickly getting up confused "If you want to so badly than go. I'll be here when you get back Luke" and he smiles "Thank you so much for understanding" and he hugs me tightly pulling me close to his body and i let out a laugh as he kisses my nose "I love you" He whispers before cupping my cheeks and pecking my lips. After that he disappeared, behind the door, into a hallway to go do......things.

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