Love is like a virus, it can happen to anybody at any time.

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Emma's P.O.V~

His kiss surprised me. Wiped me from any thought i had in my mind. Every breath from my lungs. I felt completely robbed of all feelings. I didn't feel the pain anymore, just the love that came with his touch. It made me feel strong even though i was in a weak time....He smiled on my lips "God how i wanted to do that for 3 months" He says with a chuckle before kissing me again. "Here help me up" I say grabbing on his arm and pulling myself up before i let out a shriek "Emma you need to rest" He says laying me back down "Then come here" I say pulling him by the arm into the bed with me "I don't think this is very safe for you" He says laughing putting his arm around me "Who cares" i say in a slight whisper nuzzling my head in his neck, feeling his heart beat and his warm breath on the top of my head.


"Luke" I say in a loud whisper looking at my clock as it says 1:15.

"mmmmm yeah?" he says sleepily "Oh did i wake you, i'm sorry" I say but i knew he was asleep, he snored lightly but i didn't mind."No its okay" He says back sounding like hes going to drift away any moment "I just can't sleep" I say twiddling the corner of the pillow case in my fingers "Well, i'll stay up with you then" he says kissing my temple lightly and i let out a sigh "What was the city like when this all happened?" I asked curiously. I haven't really looked around town since this all started but i knew Luke has "Well" He starts and clears his throat a little "There was rubble everywhere and the S.W.A.T team were trying to wrangle everyone up that were safe using these little devices to make sure they were clean and they rushed them to quarantine zones they set up in camp, they treated them like cattle. I watched as they pushed people, shot people, beat people, yelled at them, and worst of all i watched as they tore families apart. Nothings worse than watching as they put the machine to their neck and it giving them the signal beep, fear flashing through the victims eyes. Then they would cuff them and push them to the ground. Their wife being pulled away with their young child as she screamed and cried loudly saying 'daddy no!' and he would only get a slight glance of his family before boom, He's dead." He said this soft, horror in each word, my gut tightening "That's awful" Is all i can say "What would you do if you were in the situation?" I finally ask after moment of silence fearing he has fallen asleep and i hear him take a deep breath "I would kill him if i had to" He finally says and i laugh "What's so funny?"

"I can't see you really attacking people. I know you have before but it's funny to think about it"

"You don't think i can do it? Do i not seem like that much of a man to you?" And he flips me on my back "You don't think i could do it, do you?" He says in my face and biting my ear "Luke stop" I say giggling and pushing him away "I would kill him in a blink of an eye if it meant getting to my family, don't ever doubt me on that" He says kissing me on my cheek and rolling over.


Luke's P.O.V~

I wake up to a new day with new light and new adventures, i guess if that's what you really call them. I stretch not knowing when me and Emma ever fell asleep "Good Morning" i say putting my hand around her waist, but she doesn't move, usually she will wake up quite easily but apparently not today. I decide to let her sleep, not thinking twice if something might be wrong. I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower than brush my teeth. "Hey!" I hear cheerfully and i see Emma in the doorway "What are you doing?" I ask, my voice muffled by the foamy toothpaste in my mouth "I can't hear you all that well silly" she says giggling with a bright smile. I spit out my toothpaste and wipe my mouth "Why are you out of bed? You need to heal before you can be walking around and stuff."

"Wow, I don't think i need to lay in bed 24/7 and besides i'm fine, i feel fine."

"That's just the pain killers talking, i bet after they wear off you're gonna feel like shit" and she laughs pulling me into a hug and resting her head on my shoulder.

"I don't care. I don't want to lay in bed all day. I need to shower anyway i probably smell like a city sewer. And i can feel the dry blood."

"Dry blood?" i ask pulling away to look at her and she turns around, her back covered in it "Ew" I say before laughing "Well need any help?" I ask her with a childish smile

"hahaha Ummmmmm, no." She says standing on her tiptoes and kissing my cheek "I'll be fine" She says before pushing me out the door. After she's done she comes out in only a towel and i stare. probably longer than i should have to be completely honest. "I made breakfast but if you want to do something else then-"

"No" she says cutting me off "Alrighty then." I say getting off of the bed "I'll just head into the kitchen you come out whenever you're ready" I say slowly backing out but i stop in the doorway "But if you change your mind ya'know i'll just be in the other room you can always just tell me" And she glares at me "Okay yeah sorry, i'll just go now." I say going into the kitchen but realizing i forgot to ask her something. "Hey Emma did-" i say opening the door but find she is changing and has no clothes on "LUKE!" She calls covering herself and i look down fast "Sorry i just-"

"GET OUT!" She says throwing something at me, i didn't see what it was but it didn't hurt "Yeah, uh that would be good, ugh alright i just had a question yeah, um, this is weird, um, i'm just gonna go, out here, um yeah so, sorry,.....again" I say awkwardly and closing the door

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