In the hinterland

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"What the hell? You want to try and act like we can be friends?! After you fucking kidnapped me taking me away from my home the town i live in, how do you know there weren't people waiting for me? huh? that's right because you didn't! Then you proceeded to take me to your hinterland (An area lying beyond what is visible or known) just to cuff me to a table for 10 hours while you slept in your cozy bed acting like i wasn't here as i screamed. I feel so secluded here,you don't even understand!" She says with a horse voice as her hands clench into fists and yeah i felt bad and guilty because it was all true, who was i to just make the judgement that she didn't have anyone to go back to "I want to try because i know that it was a dick move to do that to you, and i didn't think twice but we're here now and there's not much i can do, and i'm not trying to be mean but i don't think they have made it this far, and i know i didn't know them and that but you saw how bad that town was, we barely got out how do you think it would be for them? So since we only have each other right now lets at least try to fill in all the empty spaces with friend ship instead of hatred okay?" And i can feel her expression harden "You know what,...fine. My Names Emma Iridium and yes its the same name as the mineral on the periodic table, i'm 17 years old, my favorite animal is a panda, my favorite color is blue, uh i like horror films, i love comedy also, i'm in love with music and art, I grew up with 3 other siblings, me being the youngest and uh i guess that's all" She said all this without once looking up and i'll take a wild guess why "can you tell me about your eyes?"

"what about them? They're eyes, you see with them and i don't wear glasses and i'm not color blind. what else is there to know?"

"I'm talking about the color."

"Oh the color, yeah everyone usually has an eye color,like your's are blue i have my color"

"Yeah but Emma i'm not stupid they're abnormal, I've never met someone with purple eyes" And that's when she finally looks up at me tears forming in the corner of her eyes slowly stretching it's way across her water line "It's called Alexandria's genesis, and my doctor told me they were vibrant, so lively and beautiful and that i was one of twenty walking this earth with it but i know that's a lie there's probably more people with it but he said he's never seen them as opaque and the color was so bright and astounding because the only ones he has seen were the ones that were a light purple almost grey and he said it was fantastic and i should be happy with the way i am because it was nothing to be ashamed of because of how pretty they were but i couldn't take all the judgement, people called me fake, said i wore contacts and they said if i lied about a small thing like eye color how could they trust me in friendship after i insisted they were real and they called me freak with purple eyes so after awhile i got fed up and i bought , i bought brown colored contacts to cover up the purple so for once i could leave my house without feeling like people were staring at me or judging me, i always felt like even though i wore the contacts people knew and they were going to make fun of me and it terrified me" She ended with a small sniffle and shaken breath as tears fell onto her rosy cheeks "And on top of that people always made fun of my name, Iridium, that stupid mineral, they would stand in a circle and push me back and forth and told me since i was named after a mineral i should be one and they told me to bury myself and if i didn't they gladly would themselves which leads me to my first years of high school when this boy pretended to like me and decided to take me on a 'date' and he took me to the woods and lead me to where all the other girls were my 'bullies' and they all had shovels in there hands and there was a big hole in the ground and they, they tried to bury me in that hole the dug up, they tried to fucking bury me!" And she started trembling and crying even more, what the hell do i do?

"Hey you are fine" Oh my god that was terrible "You are perfect how you are okay i think your last name is fine and your eyes are beautiful" I say getting up and going to her side, i still have no idea what to do this is terrible i am terrible at handling things

and if you read or see anything sort of romantic or touching usually the tear broken girl jumps up and hugs the boy and cries on his shoulder but no, i go over and touch her shoulder to calm her down and she jumps up, pushes my hand away and says "i need some fresh air" Before walking outside, wow i need a pat on the back for trying, A for effort am i right?

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