Things are perilous.

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I Wake up in a sweaty heap with the same screech in my ears fading like it has been the past few days. I rub my head and look out the window to see not much of anything really, no people or anything, everything is deserted, dead, but i guess that's the best word to describe the world now a-days seeing as it comes quite literal. Imagine using the word dead now in the reasons we did when people we're lively, happier 'Hey you look dead today' as you would say to your friend but now you would get your throat ripped out by a zombie,...haha surprise right! 'This town looks dead' seeing as there aren't any kids playing out side or people walking the streets but now, say that and you look out your window and see corpses hunting for breakfast. I go downstairs and i guess i forgot all about Emma who sits sleeping with her head on the table, i'm not going to lie I felt kind of bad, she didn't know what was happening (talk about oblivious much) but i guess how would you feel if one day everything is normal, just an average normal day, then the next a virus wipes half of the earths population and all your friends are trying to eat you, then better yet, a guy you never met before takes you with him to his house and hand cuffs you to a table, and i guess i felt worse when i saw her wrist was bleeding from her struggle, so with that i make some coffee and head back upstairs to find the cuff key. After searching for awhile and panicking thinking i lost it and i will have this poor girl strapped to my table til she dies, i finally found it and headed back down stairs to find she is still out cold and i uncuffed her and took her upstairs and laid her in my guest bed and made some breakfast. Finally after another hour or so (I really need to get a clock) She comes downstairs cautiously and wobbles into the dining area, and she was pale with sunken sort of eyes and looked like she hadn't slept in days "Morning sunshine!" I say flashing a smile but she just stares at me with empty looking eyes and no expression "Hey are you okay?" I ask rising from my chair and she looks down at her wrist and touches it with the other shaking hand before opening her mouth like she was in pain before collapsing."Oh god holy jesus" I say going over to her. I Don't know what to do, im an 18 year old boy who lives in the middle of nowhere and i rarely have anyone over to my house how am i suppose to know how to handle shit like this, i don't even have a damn clock! So i did what i thought was okay, i set her on the couch and just waited for her to wake up. As another hour passes she finally wakes up with a big drastic gasp like you would see in movies when someone gets resurrected or wakes from a nightmare "good morning,..... again." I say as she looks over at me, she has a big shaky breath as she runs her hand through her hair "Would you like coffee? Some breakfast maybe?" I ask and she lightly nods her head in fast pulses without saying anything "Here" I say reaching my hand out to help her up (I might be a douche for 'kidnapping' her but i'm not a total dick alright) and she takes it and gets up very precarious and i lead her to the table "How was your night?" i ask pouring coffee into a little mug shaped like a doughnut and slide it on the table "So tell me about yourself" and she looks at me from the top rim of the mug as she sips "how much do you want to know?" She finally says with a weak sounding voice "Well basic stuff like, interests, maybe your favorite color, animal, food maybe drink, just classic stuff you would say when you make a new friend" I say smiling again "Oh so you wanna be friends?" She says running her index finger lightly over her swollen bruised blood trickled wrist but still holds a strong gaze to mine "I Do"

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