Chapter 8

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Two young men stand in front of the deflated number one hero. The man had called his disciple to congratulate him, it just so happened the young man, who he had been trusted to watch over, came with. The man put his hand up and spoke "Congrats on getting accepted," The younger of the teens leaned forward while thanking his mentor, their hands met with a smack, M/n was too tired to pay much attention to the other two.

His escapades with weed earlier in the day left him tired and irritable now that he was sober. He had enjoyed his time high but when All might came beating down his door and yelling something about his reckless spawning of animal hybrids that were traumatizing the citizens of Musutafu, he sobered himself up. He didn't feel like murdering all his children but All Might threatened to remove Izuku from UA. I will miss you, my poor abomination children.

M/n was brought out of his sad thoughts by an uncomfy feeling coming off Midoriya in waves. "My body broke with one kick and one punch of One for all, I can't control it at all." M/n's heart broke at the despairing boy, his arms wrapped tightly around him "That can't be helped. It's like if you asked someone who suddenly grew a tail to do a trick, they wouldn't even be able to control it." The lanky man assured.

" And your handkerchief? What about your handkerchief? Do you have your hanky?" The mother worried over her son, it was going to be his first day at the biggest high school, and to say she was stressed would be an understatement. But at the moment she was just stressing her son out more than he already was. "I have it! I'm going to be late" the son stated, still less stressed than her "I have to hurry," he reaches for the door but stops when his mother calls him "What is it!' Her eyes unfocus as she thinks "You're really c-." "What's up, rat bastards! It's me, Ya boy!" Inko stops speaking looks confused at her future son in law, 'What does th-" her biological son cuts her off as he grabs his classmate and rushes through the door "I am sorry Mom but we really need to go!"

Izuku's face flushed while he lightly hits M/n's shoulder " What does rat bastards even mean!" M/n shrugs while walking towards their new school " I don't know, read it on the internet and decided my new personality will be chaotic just for the fun of it." Izuku follows after the taller teen while shaking his head at the dumb reasoning for interrupting his mother "I can't believe you cursed right in front of my mom." M/n stopped walking and looked back at Izuku with only seriousness in his eyes "I did not curse, Bastard is not a curse word." Izuku looked back into M/n's eye with just as much seriousness " It's still not something to say in front of my mom! What if she hates you and refuses to let you come over anymore?" The saddest look covered Izuku's face, pulling at M/n's heartstrings until he attacks Izuku with a hug. "Your the cutest things EVER! Your mother loves me as if I was her own son, nothing I could do would make her hate me, like literally, I could just make her forget me calling both of you 'Rat Bastards'"

I know it's a shit chapter but at least it's something

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