Chapter 3

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M/n pov

I wanted to stay with Izuku longer, so I drag him the long way home while I float. We keep a comfortable silence as we walk, well not "silence" as Izuku was mumbling about Bakuhoe the entire time, but I don't mind his mumbling, I actually find it endearing.

Just as we walk under an arch, I hear Izuku start to mumble about quirks. I sigh while floating closer to him and wrap my arms around him. I press my face into his shoulder while saying "You do know I can give you a quirk right? All you would have to do is ask." He turns bright tomato red and starts rambling "But that would feel like cheating since you can do anything and that is incredibly overpowered and unfair to everyone else that is quirkless. The only fair-"

Izuku's rambling is cut off as a slime guy starts to appear out of a manhole. Izuku cowers in fear and I look at the slime slightly mad, This bitch interrupted our bonding time. The slime monster zoned in on the cowering Izuku and said "A medium-size invisibility cloak-" and lunged for Izuku but stopped short as a sphere appeared, surrounding him. He turns to me and yells out in agony as the bubble shrinks rapidly and crushes his 'body' into a smaller and smaller area. Izuku yelps and covers his ears while rushing to hide behind me. I walk over to the bubble and grab it, rolling it around in my hand.

I continue to play with the marble as the manhole bursts off and All Might appears in its place saying "It's alright now young men-". He poses but looks around confused, because of the villain screaming as I roll him around my hand, doing tricks. He locks his eyes on Izuku and I and asks "Did you two see where the slime villain went?" I chuckle and throw him the marble, effectively making the villain howl in agony. All Might jumped at the scream and accidentally drops the marble, I start to laugh as he bends over to pick it up.

Izuku finally comes to his senses and rushes his notebook to All Might. Without having to say anything, All Might takes the notebook and signs it. "I'm sorry for getting you caught up in the villain fighting, I don't usually make mistakes like this, but I was in high spirits on my off day in a new place" All Might laughs while posing and looking off into the sky "You were a big help, thanks." Izuku continues to freak out a bit before bowing repeatedly, I smile and say a small "No problem," Izuku continues to bow while shouting "It'll be an heirloom, a family treasure."

I sigh and grab Izuku, at this rate he will give himself brain damage. "Okay! Well, I need to take this guy to the police, see you again on the other side of the screen!" With that being said All Might starts to stretch and gets in a position to leave. Izuku starts to freak out more, "Wait already?" All Might chuckles while I stand by waiting for this to go bad again "Pro's are constantly fighting enemies and time" I look at Izuku and give him a pat on the back, I mean, he finally met his hero and said hero is immediately leaving afterward. Izuku gives All Might's back a pitiful look and quietly mumbles "Wait, there are still things... I want to ask..."

The hero bends over in a position to jump, without looking at Izuku, I know he has gotten himself into trouble "Well then, I'm counting on your continued support!" I sigh and jump after All Might, keeping a couple of feet behind him, just in case Izuku falls, wait did I forget to mention? Izuku grabbed on to All Might and is now hundreds of feet in the air, the only thing keeping him from falling is his weak upper body strength.

It takes All Might a second but he notices Izuku and slightly starts to freak out, repeating "Hey!" I chuckle and he looks over at me floating a little behind him while 'laying' on my back and relaxing. He turns his attention back to Izuku and tries to pry him off "Let go of me! Your fanaticism is too much!" I lightly growl at All Might and answer back for Izuku "You idiot, if he lets go then he will die!" All Might flinches at my tone and stops prying Izuku off, turning back around to look where he is going. "I... Have... A lot of things... I want to ask you directly!" Izuku struggles to look at All Might as the wind pushes back on his face. "Okay! Okay! I get it so close your eyes and mouth!" Izuku covers his face in All Might's leg as All Might grabs the back of his collar.

I chuckle at Izuku and float closer to All Might. "Soooooo, where are we going?" He sends me an annoyed glare and I can see a drop of blood exit the corner of his mouth. He looks around for a second before pointing at a rooftop and changing his direction slightly. I follow suit and we land on the rooftop. Izuku falls lightly on his butt and All Might goes to the ledge, getting ready to leave. Izuku shakes very lightly, already used to me dragging him around the air all the time "Th-that was kind of scary." All Might looked at Izuku in pity and says "Good grief. If you talk to the people downstairs I'm sure they will let you down, or just have your friend float you down..... I'm seriously out of time. so I really must go."

I wave off All Might and walk over to Izuku and help him stand while hugging him to my chest. Izuku slightly pushes off of my chest and calls out to All Might "Wait! um..." All Might continues to walk to the edge of the building "No, I will not wait" I give him a small glare and mumble a small "Rude" Izuku takes a quick look at me then back at All Might "But........ Even if I don't have a quirk, can I become a hero?" All Might stopped walking "Can someone without a quirk be like you?" I pull Izuku back into my chest as All Might looks back at us.

"Without a quirk?" before All Might can answer Izuku's question he flinches and starts to smoke. Izuku doesn't seem to notice as he is looking down, but I snicker as All Might curls over a bit in pain. "It might've been because I don't have a quirk, but I'm always made fun of... Maybe that's why... I don't know... But I think saving people is super cool." Smoke continues to surround All Might, by now I can't make out his figure from all of the smoke. "Saving people with a fearless smile. I want to be the greatest hero, like you..!"

Finally, Izuku looks up and notices what is happening to All Might and the smoke clears to show a scrawny figure. Izuku freaks out and screams and I burst out laughing as All Might looks at me with a glare.

Not the best time to end the chapter I know but I feel like it was sorta dragging out a bit long. So I had a question I wanted to ask y'all before I continue writing. If M/n were to get kidnapped by the league of villains would you rather him

1. Annoy the villains so much that they kick him out

2. Just hang out with the villains as if he wasn't just kidnapped (My favorite)

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