Chapter 6

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"This is so boring, why do I have to stay here while everyone else gets to destroy robots?" I grumble out while lounging in a hammock I attached to the screening room. "Because we don't trust you to not intervene in the exam," Aizawa says monotone without looking away from the screen.

I scoff and lean out of the hammock, falling face down on the ground. "It's not like I can't mess with the exam from here, take that guy for example," I say from the ground and point at a blonde guy who is electrocuting robots, "He is about to get crushed by a robot, but what would you know." I continue from the ground as a robot that he electrocuted fell forward about to fall on him before being teleported away by an invisible force "I am the best person ever and teleported it away before it could kill him."

Half of the teachers look at me shocked while Aizawa glares at me. "Stop messing with the exam, if he wants to be a true hero he could have dealt with it himself." I flip off Aizawa and sit up, "I know for a fact he would have died because one, his quirk is not defensive and two, I can see into the future you fuckass." It seems I have sent Aizawa overboard because he points to the door and glares at me with enough hate to fill a pale.

"Why would I leave now, it's just about to get interesting," I say with my eyes glued to the screen showing Izuku. Everyone falling my eyes to Izuku just as he jumps into the air, face to face with the one-pointer. Izuku looks cool for a second as he punches the robot but the next he is falling with three broken limbs and a terrified face.

I change my attention a few screens over to the one-pointer fixated on Bakugou. He makes eye contact with the camera before blasting off towards the one-pointer. I move back to Izuku's screen and see him on the ground trying to crawl. Aizawa glares at me as I two-finger salute him and teleport to Izuku.

"Just One!" Izuku groans out while trying to crawl but is stopped by me picking him up. "Hey now Izu your just going to hurt yourself mo-" I am cut off by Presentation Micheal announcing the end of the exam. Izuku groans again and falls limp on the ground in pain, I bend over and grab his face lightly. Izuku opens his eyes and turns red as I lean forward and kiss his forehead. Izuku's bone twists back into their original place and turns back to their normal color. Izuku turns even redder and asks "Why did you do that when you only need to think of me to heal me?" I chuckle and help up in a sitting position.

"That because you look adorable when you blush and I couldn't help myself." Izuku squeaks and stumbles forward, falling into my chest. I pick him up and teleport to his home and put him on his feet. "I will see you tomorrow Izu! Drink lots of water and don't cheat on me," I say before running off to my own apartment.

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